Im (not) alright

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Y/n was looking at Pilar's pair of golden hands
Maine: give 'em a whirl
Y/n: heh its way outta my price range
Maine: Becca gave the nod they're all yours
Y/n: I'm alright Maine
Maine: you didn't bat an eye when you klepped my sandy now your thinking twice bout this? Is it because you won't scavenge off a body ya knew
You saw flashes of Pilar
Y/n: there techie mitts
Maine; look who's bein picky now
Y/n: got my heart set on something else
You looked towards his arms
Maine: you wanna upgrade your gorilla arms to that extent little big for you
Y/n: you don't know what i can handle
Maine: alright if I ever flatline there yours gives you time for you to bulk up and upgrade those gorilla arms grow into bigger ones
Y/n: Holden ya too that
Maine looked at you for a Second
Maine: there's something different bout ya boy
Y/n: same ol Y/n as yesterday
Maine: you usually mope around kill the vibes your our resident buzzkill
Y/n: like I said same ol Y/n as yesterday
Kiwi then woke up from her edgerunner tub
Maine: something definitely is your more confident
He started to squish you
Maine: you got laid didn't ya
It cut to a scene of Y/n and Lucy making out on her bed
Y/n:hey Lucy?
Lucy: yeah
Y/n: I think I'm falling in love with ya
He had hearts in his eyes and Lucy bent down to his face
Lucy: heh same
It cut back to know
Y/n: your delusional
Maine: cmon you did you have a super bad poker face
Kiwi came out naked
Maine: sup please tell me ya got some good news
Kiwi: sorry got nothing
She sat down next to ya
Kiwi: Tanka beefed up his security after our last fuck up tried poking holes but got no go after no go
Maine: like I was sayin keep our wheels spinnin until Faraday gives us a traction
Y/n: Tanaka who da fuck is that?
Maine: member your little grad theft auto stunt that was his limo that a problem for ya
Y/n: Uhh nothing
Kiwi: well lookie here you were Tanaka's kid's classmate
You remember what you did to Tanaka's kid
Maine: da fuck you sayin kiwi this punk went to a stiff ass corp school?
Kiwi: he got suspended from Araska academy got straight A student along with his brother no less
Maine: How's that choom shock n awe well shit guess that explains why Gloria was always strapped for eds
Y/n: respect my privacy please
Kiwi: didn't find anything else of interest on Tanaka's personal drive lotta noise and some trash
Maine: noise like
Kiwi: XBDs in his viewing log
Maine: hold up a minute that's a lot of leverage
Kiwi: he's kinky but more into blood and guts then porn and some cyberpsycho virtues too
Y/n: wat
Maine: suits always thirst for the creepy shit
Kiwi: lot of BDs tuned by someone named JK
Y/n: JK
You remembered the BD you experienced
Kiwi: that ring a bell
Y/n: yeah Jimmy Kurosaki brain dance editor he's got a cult following gets his hands on a snuff in less then 24 hours you got a virtue pippin hot whatever he tunes he turns to gold just don't get edits like his anywhere that's why his " fans " keep coming back
Maine: I knew you were a nerd and a freak but cmon
Y/n: no I just helped him move his stock
Kiwi: cute story but do ya know anything That'd actually be useful
Y/n: he mostly does custom made
Kiwi: what
Y/n: some corps go to him and he makes the dance extra special removing pain limiters
Maine: and we care why?
Y/n: if he wants a custom edit Tanaka's gotta be there present in person and alone
Kiwi: how ya figure that
Y/n: bringing your bodyguard to an XBD fetish viewing
Kiwi: got a point
Maine: getting pretty sharp dawg no surprise now that your a man
He patted your head
Kiwi: what id I miss
Y/n: nothing at all
An hour later 
Maine: faraday came through with a lead on Tanaka seems our favorite suit occasionally ditches his hustle and usual ride for Delamain
Dorio: going off grid huh
Maine: yeah but Delamain's are tight can't hope for anything not even a lock position or destination
Kiwi: did some digging into custom BDs there mostly fat cat buyers with deep pockets corps celebs you name it JK studios is invisible referral only if we wanna know more need to have a word with the man himself
Y/n: and how exactly
Maine: we grab his skinny ass
Kiwi: that'll be easy has a reservation at embers day after tomorrow table for one
Dorio: pretty sad
Maine: and once he's all done we invite him here for a nightcap let's move
It cut to JK leavening embers
Lucy: he's on the move
Y/n: got him
Y/n drove after him and everyone one else was keeping an eye on him once he parked Y/n took his chance and parked next to him and got out
Y/n: wait a minute are you The Jimmy Kurosaki
JK: who's asking
Y/n: HOLY SHIT it really is you NOVA! I'm a fan mr Kurosaki by the way you know a ripperdoc in arroyo who pushes XBDs? I was a part timer for him pushed your stuff
JK: heh that right
Y/n: sir it would be an Honer to shake your hand ohh uh sorry little baffled
JK: sorry I have somewhere to be
Y/n: oh shit sorry
He saw Maine coming up behind him and used a high frequency to knock him out ant turn off the power
Dorio; shit what was that
Kiwi was throwing up
Kiwi: where's Y/n?
Lucy saw the car speeding off
Lucy: what the
It then showed Maine barley conscious body
Dorio: Maine Wake up
Kiwi: seriously where's Y/n
Dorio: find him quick come on Maine
She began punching him back to life he woke up and the power came back on
Dorio: you feeling all right
Maine: dickhead pulled a fast one
Lucy ran up to Dorio
Lucy: what the actual fuck just happened
Kiwi: their gone
Lucy: who's gone
Dorio: JK took Y/n with him looks like
Lucy: fuck
She had a serious worried look on her face
Dorio: Kiwi get Maine out of here he needs a breather
Kiwi: alright
Maine: it's nice but you don't need to worry bout m—
Dorio kicked Maine into the van
She turned towards Lucy
Dorio: let's go
Lucy: alright
JK was driving Y/n away to who knows where and his tracker activated
Lucy: alright got 'em mile and change they're straight ahead of us
Dorio: you know what that creep fire off back there
Lucy: an advanced EMP i think
Dorio: made Kiwi throw up it hurt my head for a minute then it just stopped
Lucy: might've had a wide range and target neural implants designed to neutralize runners clearly
Dorio: you seem fine
Lucy: I was out of its range more worried bout Y/n though
Dorio: that dick pops that EMP again he's toast
Lucy: won't pop shit if we zero him
Dorio: your pissed aren't ya
Lucy: just a little
Y/n woke up and looked around and saw a dead body with its head open
Y/n: SHIT oh my god
He looked behind him and saw a horde of dead bodies and threw up
???: aww Christ this is fucking tragic Cyberpsycho right
Y/n walked around trying to find the cause of the sound
???: no shit let's head out already hauled MaxTac
Y/n then realized they were cops and hid
Cop: hey look another body
Cop: don't wander off man
Y/n then realized he had a bloody gun in his hand
Y/n: what?
Cop: hey don't wonder off man what if you run into the prep
He immediately tried looking for a way but he made to much sound
Cop: huh who's there
He shined his light on Y/n
Cop: cyberpsycho! He's armed
Y/n: look man it wasn't me
Cop: drop the gun!
Cop: don't move
Y/n: I just woke up here I didn't
Cop: drop it ya fucking psycho
They shot at him and he shot back killing the two instantly
Y/n: oh shit oh no oh no
His hands were shaking
Y/n: focus focus you need to run
Cop: hey status report
You ran outside and saw a horde of law enforcement
Y/n: fuck me
Cop: got us a cyberpsycho
Cop: raise MaxTac now
They all started shooting at him and you ran as quick as you could while running you bumped into a cop and it was like the gun fired on its own
Y/n: ohh god oh fuck I'm sorry
Cop: shots fired back here
The cop came at you but it was like you glitched out your eyes were moving rapidly
He shot at you and you used the Sandevistan to tackle him and suddenly a mantis blade popped out of your gorilla arms and it decapitated him
Y/n: oh Jesus what have I done
You grabbed your hair freaking out
Suddenly MaxTac came and shot off your gorilla/mantis blade arm and once they did a barrage of guns came out they shot of your legs and your other arm and all that was left were heavy machinery guns
MaxTac: fucking monster
Y/n: I'm so fucking sorry
He got shot in the head and woke up from the BD and threw up immediately trying his best to get out of the chair and hyperventilating
JK: so what do ya think a preem high wasn't it experiencing your own death instead of another's
JK: and I thought you were a fan most of them are whack jobs but your a real cyberpunk aren't you what is it you're after attempting to ambush me like that clearly you've done your home work you've seen my other works maybe say the edgerunner series
Y/n: I have
He started walking towards you and you were still freaking out by what you just saw
Y/n: seen most of what you do
JK: wow I'm flattered who's you ever wondered how I get my hands on so many cyberpsycho scrolls
Y/n: how
JK: you see all military prototypes come with a built in braindance scroller some folks are willing to pay through the nose for that kind of material
Your leg started shaking a lot it didn't help when he went close to you to look at your Sandevistan
JK: your Sandevistan do you know who wore it originally James Norris that's who he mowed down 27 people but then MaxTac finally put an end to his killing spree
You were freaking out
JK: yeah it's not often you can find someone who can go toe to toe with a a psycho squad your a gem truly one of the best I've seen in a long while I have stellar expectations for you too and what a marvelous surprise that you haven't snapped yet fight it all you want that Sandevistan will drive you mad in a day week month year DECADE I cannot wait to capture that when it happens
Y/n: I'm never going psycho no way in fucking hell
JK: a common belief that all chrome fiends hold on to desperately they know there sane till there not
Y/n's was struggling to get out to even say something the fact that there a big chance he could go psycho scarred the shit outta him
JK: oh yes you too another couple tangos with MacTac and your brain will pop like a party balloon
He walked away
Y/n: wait not that BD again please
JK: it's already started
The BD headset started up
Suddenly the lights came on
JK: ohh
And the Lucy and Dorio busted down the door
Dorio: not an inch
He reached for his EMP but Lucy shot close to his hand
Lucy: hands up or you die
JK: hmm you got me
Lucy went over to see him freaking out and immediately went to the console to try an get you out
Dorio: how is he
Lucy: he's in a BD I think
Dorio: can you get him out
Lucy: I'm tryin
JK: need a hand?
Y/n's BD headset exploded and Lucy went over to check on him
Lucy: Y/n hey are you okay
Y/n: I-I'm fine
JK: ahh what a shame so how might I assist you fine people not here to kill I am still alive
Dorio: that options not off the table
JK:come now I wish to cooperate
Dorio: yeah you catch on quick
Suddenly you all heard a sound
Dorio: armed drones call the off
JK: afraid I can't just enjoy the show custom spec fully bulletproof my pride and joy good luck even making a dent
Dorio: it's all I need to blow your fucking head off!
JK: hardly the smartest thing it wouldn't stop them from turning you into a bloodstain
Dorio: you better fucking pray they don't go open season while I'm using you as a meat shield
JK: it's always smart to have a spare
Dorio: shit
JK: ah seems you're surrounded ready to throw in the towel
Dorio: UGH DO YOU EVER SHUT UP. Lucy got something anything
Lucy: working on it need more time
You ran out of your chair and grabbed her gun and shot the drone
Lucy: Y/n what-
Y/n: do your thing I'll keep them distracted
The drone shot at you but you used the Sandevistan to avoid it and kept shooting and dodging after a while the drones finally shut down
Y/n: (sigh) good job Lucy
You fell down on your back to take a breather
JK: nice shooting guys
Dorio planted her foot on JK's face
JK: okay okay surrender for real this time white flag
Dorio: WHITE FLAG MY ASS prepare to breath your last little little shit stain
JK: really but I thought you had some questions for me
Y/n got up and went next to Lucy
Dorio: goddamn it
JK: hey runner girl it takes real talent to quick hack so uh fast I'm willing to year ya out but I kinda want to use both ears
Lucy: anymore tricks like that and I'll kill you myself
JK: of course pinky promise
An hour later
Maine: alright everyone clear on the plan
JK: ugh yes captain 
Maine: I'll be on the holo till then you stay put keep an eye on him not a second outta your sight
He left
JK: I'd
Y/n: nope not a word thanks for helping but you don't get to say I'm sorry
JK: look I know how edgerunners operate didn't have much of a choice did I
Y/n: that's 14 broken bones but true
You grabbed a BD chip
JK: re-lived that one too did you
Y/n: Uhh yeah
JK: and yet you still installed the Sandevistan anyway you really are unhinged
Y/n: I never gonna end up like him I can't end up like him
JK: Norris was a soldier but he lived and breathed Cyberware even he couldn't take it not for too long what makes ya think your any different
Y/n: heh guess it just feels right like it's always been apart of me I'm built different I just know it
JK: think your special
Y/n: no just lucky
JK: I've seen plenty of chrome jocks go psycho over the years some metals simply not ment to mix with meat your organic body your soul gets pushed to the edge teeters on the brink and it always ends one of two ways you ether lose yourself forever or die no in between
it showed Tanaka at a door
JK: ahh mr Tanaka come on in
Tanaka: your ahead of schedule it's usually months before I get word of your next release
JK: perceptive as always quality scrolls are hard to come by but see that exactly what makes this one special and I assume you want this tuned right away
Tanaka: my sons being discharged from the hospital tonight your standard edit will do
JK: how bout that so unfortunate I'm rather proud of how this one turned out a true waste to settle for a standard the sensitivity the real feel is
Tanka: Mister Kurosaki and my patience is running thin
Maine: unfortunately is right would have made our job a whole lot easier with you chin deep in BD tits
Y/n and Dorio were behind him
Tanaka : and who are you
Maine: don't trying nothing
He turned around and saw the 2 of you
Tanaka: the arrogance
JK: sorry they have me by the balls
Tanaka: do you have any idea on who I am
He tried to call someone but it failed
Y/n: got a jammer up so good luck tryin
Tanaka: a through plan I see
He raised his hands and suddenly bullets were everywhere and Maine's gun was jamming
Maine: not fucking now
He began beating the shit out of Maine and you deiced to help
Y/n: Maine!
You used the Sandevistan to hit him but Maine did  the final blow
Maine: pain in the ass
You then realized JK had be shot in the neck and was dying
Maine: musta caught a needle
Dorio: in the neck to must be dead already
You swore you saw him smile and look at you then he died and you just looked at him mebering everything he said
Kiwi: ahh guys Trauma Teams coming
Maine : cmon he has trauma coverage
Kiwi: platinum and everything
Maine: shit kid we gotta move if trauma finds us we're dead you fallowed them out and drove outta there
Hours later
Y/n was taking a shower and throwing up by what he saw earlier
Y/n: raspberry on a ferry I was felling kinda seasick on that boat
Once you were done you laid down but couldn't sleep
You then got a call from Lucy
Y/n: hey
Lucy: hey couldn't sleep
Y/n: heh me ether
Lucy: I'm gonna cut to the chase wanna come over
Y/n: sure is it actually talking or
Lucy: actually talking but who knows
Y/n: heh see you soon
You hung up
Y/n: alright Y/n you've made it this far what's one more mile? also you need to stop talking to yourself
55 minutes later
You were in front to Lucy's apartment door and you knocked
Lucy: it's not locked
Y/n went in and saw Lucy sitting on her couch
Y/n: Uhh hey
Lucy: hey want a beer
Y/n: more than anything
She gave you a beer and you sat down next to her
Lucy: so are you okay I— JK told me what the BD was
Y/n saw flashes of what hell he went through
Y/n: yeah it I'm fine it was just I'm scared
Lucy: of what?
Y/n: JK told me no matter what happens I will become a cyberpsycho and the thought of me hurting anyone hurting you scares the absolute hell outta me
Lucy: I promise you
She grabbed your face
Lucy: if you become a psycho I will find a way to bring you back
Y/n once again had hearts in his eyes again and put his hand on Lucy's
Y/n: guess we both have promises to keep now
Lucy: yeah we do
Lucy then made out with Y/n
Lucy: I'm never gonna let you go so don't worry alright
Y/n: thank you
You then continued

Cyberpunk: edgerunners  x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now