chapter 1

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Hayal's pov

I am stuck in this house. Every teenager is out there having the best moment of their lives and here I am, on a twin size bed with a damn phone. Tecno is definitely the worse phone brand ever, it's driving me crazy.

My annoying brother is home and he definitely won't let me go out. Everyone in this house act like we're in 11th century or something. What is wrong in allowing someone to hangout with friends all the time?

"Hayal" Ali called.

He won't let me out and he won't stop calling my name every second. So tired of this.

I get up and went to see what he want this time.

"Cook indomie for me " he said without even looking. What the hell?

"I'm not a servant in this house. Go and cook for yourself" I whispered

"Are you talking to me?"
"Okay then go and cook why are you standing there like a statue"

I frown my face and cook the noodles for him. Honestly being a guy in this society is so easy. Sleep, eat and let your female siblings to do all the work. Pathetic.

I'm so tired of studying but I have to do it for my future. I will change my story without a doubt.

"Hey man what's up and why haven't you text/call all day" I text Leyla.

"Busy studying" she replied.
"Same here but I'm so fed up"

"Girl we have to make it. We will never get a better opportunity than this" she replied.

"I know let me focus then. Bye"

I know my best friend more than anyone else. I wonder if she is the same Leyla i know. The Leyla I know will never study, not matter what. I'm also not surprised, she will do literally anything to get this scholarship. I know how much she love luxury, who doesn't though?


The day is finally here. I dressed up real quick and prepare my bag pack. I put my bottle of water inside and anything necessary.

"Dude can you hurry up and come? Ali will start complaining and will eventually decide not to drop us" I text her.

She arrived a few minutes after the message.

"Are you ready for the big day?" She asked

"I'm more than ready" i replied.

She look at me somehow like she is waiting for something.

"a good luck hug?" I offer.

We hugged each other for while then head out. I love the fact that I have her. I know her since day one. The best thing is seeing our dream finally coming true.

Finally arrived at Epic college. The building is so luxurious. I have pass by a couple of time but never get inside. Is this place even real.

It's been a dream us to get into epic college. It's more Leyla's dream though. Imagine getting your high school diploma from epic college? The Best thing ever.

I bounce back to reality when my brother pack the car.
"I wish you guys all the best. Remember if you fail this exam is like failing the whole neighborhood. We trust you"

"Thank you bro" we all said before heading out.

There's this amazing feeling form the moment I set my leg in the compound. I took a very deep breath.

"Here we are"



Hey my loves

Chapter 1 is down....I Know o it's quite short but this is just the beginning

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