chapter 18

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I entered my room and slammed the door. I hate how much my family will not allow me to have fun. I'm not going to do anything bad. I cried so much. I switch off my phone because I can't afford to see everyone posting their prom pictures. Why did this happen to me. Why? What did I do?

After crying for so long I get up and undress. I wear pajamas and head to bathroom. My eyes turn red. It's so obviously that I cried.

"Hayal. Come here" mom said sitting next to Ali.

"Here " I said without smiling or looking.

"What are you crying for?"

I start crying again and didn't respond.

"What are you crying about!?"

"You should ask him" I said.

"Girl don't let me slap you." He said and turned to mom.

"Mom I stopped her from going to the prom because of what they will do there. They even told me she was going with a guy. The guy is very rude."

"You don't even know him" I said.

"You're defending him? You're defending the guy Hayal? I believe whatever your brother said. He did the right thing. Good job my Ali".

I smile out of pain because I have no words at all. I walk away and close my room.

Parents really do have a favorite child. I heard many people saying they don't believe parents favor a child over the other but that's not true. They have a favorite child. They even make it too obvious. I think maybe my parents love Ali more because he is a guy. They made me feel worthless. I will never see my worth no matter what I do. I will never appreciate myself enough. I did everything for them to love me as much as they love him but it doesn't work. Not my fault.

I turn my phone after crying for so long. I didn't even eat anything and I don't think I will. Leyla sent so many pictures to me.

"Hayal I'm so sorry for what happened. I'm genuinely so sad. I wish we're here together. Ahmad and I didn't want to go but that would have make you more sad. He decided that I should be his date instead. It's so fun here, it would have been more fun if you were here."

That was the first text she sent before the pictures. She then send another one after the pictures.

"By the way, I got. Chosen as the prom queen. I'm so happy bestie. My dream finally came true"

I sent her a voicemail telling her how happy I'm for her. I download the pictures she sent. Ahmad look so handsome. I'm not going to lie I wish I was there. But regardless I'm so happy that Leyla got chosen as the prom queen. She dreamt about it throughout her life.

I check Ahmad message and he told me how sad he was. He sent me his pictures and it makes me so happy. I decided to send him the pictures I take before Ali ruin everything for me.


Final exams season

I can't believe we're almost done with exams. I don't want to leave. Me and Leyla decided to apply for the same university. Ahmad decided to apply the same uni as us. He family can afford a more expensive one but he wants to be with us.

Since the day Ahmad find out my favorite ice cream flavor is Vanilla, just like him. He keep buying it for us. Just me and him. I ask him why not with leyla and he said because I'm special. I don't know why but That made me feel very special.

We sat at our regular spot looking at the sky. It's so bright. we didn't say a single word until we finish the ice cream.

"Do you think Leyla will feel jealous if she find out we're hanging out without her?" He asked.

"Not really. Whey would she? Me and her hangout without you sometimes. Do you get jealous?"


"Hayal" he said looking at me with a beautiful smile.

I don't know what I'm feeling but there are butterflies in my stomach. His eyes are the most beautiful thing.

"I want to watch the starts at night with you one day. Just me, you and the sky. No noise or anything"

"I would love to do that too" I smile.

"Since we're done eating should we go then?" He ask.



"So how was the exam today? " Ahmad ask as we walk into our class. Leyla is there already.

"Not bad. I prepared well for it"

"It's obvious"

"Hayal" he said.

"I swear to God you're so beautiful"

I smile because I don't why he love random compliment. I love it so much though. Makes my soul happy.

"Attention everyone" he said and the whole class attention turn to us. We stand in the middle of the class.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

He brought out this candy ring and goes on his knees.

"Hayal will you be the love of my life?"

"What type of joke is this? Stand up Ahmad everyone is looking at us"  I whispered.

"Hayal I swear I'm not joking. I love you so much for a long time now. I never get the chance to tell you because I don't want to ruin our friendship"

"Hayal will you be the love of my life?" He said louder.

At that moment I realized something. I finally understand why I thought of Ahmad when Leyla asked me if I love anyone. I realize that I love him so much since. I didn't understand my feelings. After he told me this, I realize something. Ahmad is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

"Say yes, say yes" everyone start clapping and shouting.



#ahyal my babies🥺💃

The ship has sailed, finally ❤️

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