chapter 10

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"Melissa!" Ahmad scream and take the journal away from her.
Leyla take the journal an run outside.

"Leyla stop please"

She doesn't stop at all. I follow until we're in the female locker room for swimming lessons.

"Leyla can you please listen to me" I tried to calm her down but she pushed me away.

"Get out of here"
"Leyla can you please listen to me" I start crying.

Leyla is crying so hard. I know her more than anyone else. If there is anything I hate the most is seeing her in this type of situation.

Ahmad walk in trying to calm her down but she didn't stop crying.

"Leyla please don't mind anything they said"

She move close to me with so much anger on her face. I hate when she look at me like that.

"Did they lie? Did they lie? Hayal! Did they lie!"

I don't know what to say. I continue crying.

"You don't have to pretend. Don't pity me! I was found in trash. I'm unworthy of anything! Stop fooling yourself around okay!? Stop telling yourself otherwise! If you can't take me the way I am then leave." She point on the door.

"Leyla please stop. You're very worthy of everything."

"Am I? " She laughed.

"Okay then change the fact that my biological parents didn't want me. I'm so unworthy that they put me in trash. And you hayal you're happy right? You couldn't do any inside and now you're pretending"

"I'm so sorry Leyla. I tired to stop them."

"Shut up hayal! Shut up and leave this place right now!"

"Leyla please.."

"Shut up" she screamed and I felt my heart breaking into pieces.

Ahmad gave me a sign to leave and I walk away crying. For the first day in our lives we go back home separately.

What is my best friend thinking about right now? I'm so scared. She deserves the world. I wish she will allow me to be with her in this moment.

"Good afternoon" I said to Mom as I step inside.
"Why are you looking like this? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing just tired mom"
"Whatever. Eat food and wash the dishes"

It's very obviously that I cried and all I got told is to wash the dishes? I don't want to do anything today. I just want to sleep.

It's almost 9pm and Leyla didn't call or text me. I'm staring at the ceiling wondering what I could do to make her feel better.


I always wake up excited to go to school since I started epic college. Not today, I'm not excited at all. My best friend was humiliated in that school. She is not responding to me. I don't even know whether she is okay.

I have the loneliest walk ever. We're always chatting with leyla along the way.

To my surprise Leyla reach school before me. I thought she will be absent for the day.

"Leyla you're here already!" I said with so much excitement.

"You expect me to stay at home and miss my classes?

"That's not what I mean"

"C'mon girls let reconcile please. Enough of the fights" Ahmad interfere.

We didn't say anything to each other. I still don't know why she is mad but I understand her.

Leyla is writing on her book and I take away the pen.

"Hayal" she sigh
"I'm not giving you back until you talk to me"

"I'm so sorry Leyla. For everything " I start crying

"What are you crying for?" She pull me to her and hug me.

That is what I have been waiting for. I didn't talk about Melissa to her. I don't want to make her angry. But one thing I'm sure about is that Leyla will never let that slide.

Classes are over but we want to stay and play basketball all together. We want to enjoy the moment despite what happened.

I make TikTok's with leyla. We dance, sing, run, we create moment.

"I have an idea!" She offer.
"What Idea?"

"Let's play hide and seek"

"Okay then let's do it"

I don't know why she suggested to play hide and seek at our age. But I couldn't deny it.

We start playing and head to the school kitchen. I was so shock by that place. Nobody is around too. I know they have a walk-in fridge but I have seen it before because students are not allowed.

I walk in looking around and someone jump scare me.

"What the hell?" I turn around.
"Surprise" Melissa said waving.

"Not you again" I sigh

"It's me again and I'm about to teach you a lesson just like I did your friend"

"You most be kidding right?" I take a step forward and she pull me back. Before I realize she pushed me on the floor and run outside. She close me the fridge. I scream but nobody is there. I tried to open but it's not opening.

I take my phone and dial Leyla's number but Switch up.
"Who the hell switch their phone at this time?"

I call Ahmad immediately but he isn't in school. He tried to contact Leyla but couldn't reach her.

I think my time if off because I'm freezing to death. I don't know when will someone come to my rescue. After several minutes Ahmad arrive.

"Hayal are you there?"

I respond with a yes. I'm freezing to death, I don't even think I will make it.

He pull me out and trying to make sure I'm okay.

"Hayal please respond. Look at me hayal. Keep your eyes open okay"

I felt someone else present at that moment but I wasn't okay enough to see who. I want to tell him it's Melissa that did that to me.

He removed his jacket and rap it around me.

"You will be okay hayal. You'll be okay."


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