chapter 6

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Sometimes I wonder If I have bad luck or I am just the bad luck. Upon everyone he could pair with, he chose to pair me with this guy, what is his name even? Ahmad. I hate that guy so much; he is so arrogant.

The other worse thing is the fact the leyla will work with Melissa. She cannot tolerate that girl at all. They probably end up fighting and doing nothing at the end.

We walk toward the canteen and leyla is so mad. She is even more mad than I am.

"So are you going to work with Melissa?"

"I don't know. I will end up slapping that girl for sure"

"I think you should get her contact"

"Me!? God forbid " she said.

"Well you're under scholarship so you have no other option. You have to pass your classes"

"Hayal" she called my name
"How are you going to work with Ahmad?"

"I don't know but I won't talk to him first." I replied.

I saw Amina sitting alone and I wave at her.

"Let sit over there" I said.

"Go and sit, I will get the food for us" she went to get the food and I sat.

We chat a little bit with Amina but she get up to get some stuff done. I saw him coming towards me but I pretend not to see him.


I turned around to see if he is talking to someone else not me.
"Are you talking to me?" I point at myself.

"Is there anyone else here apart from you?"

"Who knows?" I pretend he doesn't exist.
"Hayal are you still mad at me?"

"Am I still mad at you? You spill coffee on me and left without apologizing"

He sat down to my opposite and fold his hands.

"I'm sorry now. Is that okay?"
"No is not"
"Why are you still mad then? We have an assignment to do together!" He look into my eyes.

"I don't care about the assignment. I don't wanna work with someone like you!"

"Okay then good for you." He get up as if he will leave.

"Where are we going to start from" I ask without even looking at him.

"You decide" he sat back.
"I don't know either"
"I'm sorry for spilling coffee on you the other day."
" I would have accept your apology but it's too late now. I don't like arrogant people like you."

I don't even know why I am still mad. The guy apologize but not enough. I want to teach him a lesson. These rich people think they are better than everyone.

"Can I have your contact. So we can discuss the assignment?" He ask politely.

Leyla work forward while I type my number in his phone.

"Here you go" I toast the phone to him.
"What's happening?" Leyla ask.

"Nothing let's sit in a different place please" I take my food from her.

I was laying on bend when I received a text from a new number. " Hey its Ahmad from school"
"Okay" I replied and toast the phone to the other side of the bed.

After a min he text again.
"So what are we doing?"

"Go and search about the  male poets of the century. I will search on the females. We will work together at the library" I text back.

"So do you forgive me or not?".

"Focus on your assignment".


My brother drop us at school today. We ask them to drop us outside. I'm not ready for the looks.

I was completing an assignment in the class and leyla stop me.
" I will be back in a minute"

"What if the teacher come and you're not here?"

"The lie to him. Bring up a valid excuse" she said and left.

I'm starting to think Leyla make new friends without telling me.

I entered the library waiting for Ahmad to come.

"Hey" he wave at me.
"You're late"
"I'm just 5min late"
"Late is late regardless".

We find so many information. We work for a while and I'm already so tired.

"Urgh I'm so tired" I utter.
"Let's go and have coffee together, ofcourse if you don't mind" He demand.
"No I'm okay, thank you"
"As you want".

There is something so weird about this guy. I don't understand him. He is very popular in this school and almost every girl has a crush on him. He is that type of guys I don't like. I mean he is very handsome But I don't like guys that everyone like.

We get up and went to class together. I start packing my bag but he stood there like a statue.

"Are we not done?" I ask out of curiosity.
"Ofcourse we are. Hayal I know our first impression was unpleasant. But how about we start from the beginning?"

I fold my arms trying to understand what he wants to say.

"I'm sorry for that day. I was in a hurry that's why. Can we leave everything in the past now".

I realize he's sincere with his apology so I decide to forgive.
"It's all okay now"

"Thank you" he smiled
Someone walk in at the moment.

"Hayal can we be friends if you don't mind" he said.

I look to see who entered and it's Leyla.

"HAYAL!?" she utter






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With love, Sa'adah 🤍

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