chapter 17

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I have waited for prom for the longest time. The best thing for me is that I got the fame I wanted in his school. I got the attention and everything. Only one thing left Ahmad. I'm tired of hiding. I will be confessing very soon.

I come home early before leyla today because I need to pick up my prom dress.

I went to the bathroom and come back to 3 miss calls from hayal.

"What's up I missed your calls" I text her.

"Stupid girl I have a hot gist"

"What is it?" I asked.

"Ahmad ask me to be his prom date". She said.

I read again to make sure I'm seeing right. I hope to read it differently but unfortunately no. I gathered the courage to reply. " What did you said ?"

"I said yes of course"

" Great" I text and I toast the phone away.

I almost lose my mind. I cried so much. I swear she always take away everything.


I'm so wrong about hayal. This girl is really going to take away everything from me in a blink of an eye. I'm scared to lose her but not anymore. Is either Ahmad or her. I will choose him! She can't have him.

If she go to prom with him then she will definitely be the prom queen. Ahmad is the most popular guy in this school. Any girl that is lucky enough to be his date will be the queen. I am not allowing hayal to go with Ahmad. I swear I'm not allowing it.

Hayal and I get ready in my house. I look so beautiful in my dress like an angel. I look at hayal, She looks more beautiful than I did.

"You look so pretty" she said and hug me.

"So you do"

"Is Ahmad coming to pick us now? " I asked.

"Yes we have to wait for a while though" she said smiling.

"Let me use the toilet before he come" I smile and leave the room.

I switch to my account where I drag people from our school. Everything in that account is negative. Most of the post are about people's breakup.

The first thing I did was to text her brother. She is not going anywhere.

"I'm so sorry hayal but I have to do this!"

I quickly slide to his dm.

"I don't want to waste  time on anything. I need to tell you this. I know you are Hayal's brother. I'm telling you this so you can save your sister. Today is our school prom. I know your family are valuable. She is going to humiliate you. Hayal is going on the prom with the most popular guy in this school. The guy is very nasty and have no characters. I was so surprised when she agreed to go with a guy like this. There will be cameras there and she will be post on social media.  Right now she is at her friend Leyla's house getting ready. Go and stop her from Going before she humiliate you. At least her friend is not going there with a guy. But if you respect your family the go and stop your little sis. If you need proof of how bad this can be then take a look at my account!" I send.

I nervously keep looking waiting for her brother to show up. I kept looking at my phone waiting for a response.

"Are you waiting for someone?" She asked

"No why do you ask?"

"Because you keep looking at your phone like you're waiting for a text from a someone"

"No I'm not". I keep the phone away so I don't make it too obvious.

I heard her brother's salam and I'm so sure he saw my message.

"Hayal come let's go home"

"Did you forget today is our prom?" She ask.

" Little sis, I'm trying to be calm. Let's go home there is no prom for you"

"What do you mean there is no prom for me? What are you talking about?"

"Hayal!" He screamed

"Then tell me why"

"I don't have to explain anything to you. If you don't follow me right now it's going to be very bad. I know everything. Follow me quietly because you know what will happen if dad get involved!"

My mom tried to calm him down but he didn't listen. I also did my Best but he didn't listen. Hayal left crying and I low-key feel bad.

Ahmad arrive few minutes after she left.

"Hey. You look beautiful "

"Thank you. You look handsome too" i smiled.

He look so Handsome than ever. I fall in love with him even more.

"Where is my prom date?" He asked.

I felt some kind of irritation but I smile it off.

I told him everything that happened.

"I don't even feel like going anymore " he sigh

"What? What is prom without you? Hayal is my best friend and I feel bad for her but that doesn't mean we should not go."

"We should go then. We will all go without a date"

"Ahmad I'm hayal's best friend. You're very close to us both. I don't have a date either. I can be your prom date" I smile

"Let's go then, my prom date " he open the car door for me.

If I can not have it, then no one will.


Leyla doesn't surprise me anymore..... I can't believe she did that to her own best friend.

Hey loves, please vote, comment and share. It goes a long way.

With love,
Sa'adah 🤍.

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