chapter 7

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I couldn't believe what I saw. Why is she and Ahmad getting so close. They were exchange contact earlier and now he is asking her to be his friend. I'm already fill with so many emotions. I tried to cool it off.
"Leyla where have you being?" she said.

"Well I will leave I guess." He said and walk away.

"Doing our project with Melissa" I said trying to hide my face.

"Is it going well?"
"Ofcourse not".

"Hayal I will go to the toilet" I said.
"Is there something wrong with you?"

I definitely cannot hide my emotions from her. She can tell very well from my eyes.

"I don't know. Probably about to welcome my monthly visitor soon".

I quickly walk out so she don't realize how my world is crashing. I started crying so hard as much as I can. I sat on the floor crying. What exactly am I crying for? The person that I love the most just ask to be friends with my best friend. I tried to calm down. Maybe this is a very good opportunity to get close to him. It would have been much beter if he ask me to be his friend instead.

I stare at the mirror trying to fix my face. Someone walk in and I start hiding my face.

"Ohh the princess is here"

Why is everything like this. How did this Melissa get in now.

"I don't have your time" I said as I wash my face.
"Oh no the princess is crying"

"Melissa!" I shouted.
"Oh now she is angry now!" She move closer looking at me.

"Why are you crying? Who upset you.? Let me deal with them" she said sarcastically.

I hold her and hand and Twist it with all my strength. My eyes were full of rage and I'm about to take all my anger on her.

"Leyla! Leyla!"
I continue looking into her eyes Twisting her wrist without saying a word.

"Leyla you're hurting me!" I quickly bounce back to reality and let her go.

"You will stay away from me and anything that relate to me. If not everything in your life is going to hurt. Melissa!"

I walk out and slam the door.

The first thing I did after reaching home was looking at Ahmad's picture. I'm so scared to lose him. I then take my dad picture.

"Why did you left so early dad. Why?"

I cried so much. I was 2 turning 3 when my dad died. I pretty much doesn't remember anything about him. My mom told me how much dad love me. How much he cared for me. He always talk about how he will walk me to my husband on my wedding day when I grow up. He was so happy to have me as a daughter. The only man that never broke my heart, my everything. The pictures I have of us are enough proof of how dearly he love me.

"Wish you're here with me dad"

I cried so much till I end up Falling asleep. After waking up I realized how much I over reacted. It wasn't even that much. Hayal has been calling and texting me but I didn't respond.

"Doing something over the weekend?" I Text her.

"Nope. What about you?"

"Me either. Should we go out tomorrow?" I asked.

"Great idea! Hopefully they will let me out!"

"Just tell them they give us assignment to do together and it requires us to go out. Just come up with a lie"


I heard hayal getting my mom while I was packing my stuff.

"Ready?" She said as she walk in.
"Yes. You look so beautiful" I smile.

"Thank you, so you do."

We were heading out and I suddenly felt bad. I don't know about what but I did. I hug her randomly and she she hug me back. Sometimes I just get random outburst of affection. My emotions change so quick.

We entered the new cafe and ordered dessert. We take so many pictures before eating. After eating we decide to take a picture of ourselves. Individually and together.

"Bestie" I said.
"Yes" she look at me.
"I feel like one day I will lose you!"

"Where did you get that from!?" She exclaim.
"I don't just a random feeling. You're the most precious thing to me"

"Oh Leyla. Sometimes you get emotional out of now where. Nothing one earth could ever separate us" she get and hug me.

"Let's make a heart with our finger and post on Instagram"

We did and post.

Leyla and hayal till infinity. Best friends forever.


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