chapter 3

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Hayal's pov

It's been a week since we wrote the exam at epic college. I remember how I calm Leyla down so she don't end up punching that girl. What was her name even? Melissa, and her girls. I don't don't understand what these rich people think of themselves. I won't tolerate any disrespect from anyone.

I am very anxious. Today is the big day. The school will send us an email if we pass the exam and If we're admitted. Me and leyla do everything in life together. I want to go over so we can check the results together.

I walk very calmly into to the living room. My dad, mom and Ali were sitting.

"Mom I want to go over to Leyla's house"

"Didn't you just returned!?" Ali said.

Why is he even interfering I am not asking him. Just because he is older doesn't mean he can treat me the way he like.

"I know but they told us they will be releasing the results in half an hour. We want to check it together " I said.

"Let her go" Dad said.
"You definitely won't disappoint us this time right? I don't expect you to fail This. Bring us a good news" he added.

I tied my sneakers and left with my thoughts. What if I fail? I will be a disappointment to this family right. Well I'm one already, But I will be a bigger one this time.

I reached Leyla's house and started knocking. Leyla's lives alone with her mom. Her Dad passed away when she was 2 years old and her brother passed away a year ago. I miss him so much, the sweetest boy ever.

"Leyla open the door" I shouted.

"Coming" she opened.

We hugged and greeted each other.

"Tea" she offer
"What tea Leyla? I'm anxiously waiting for the results"

"Hayal when did you come?" Her mom said smiling.
"Good afternoon. I just arrived. Our results will be out soon"

"I have been praying for you guys. Inshallah you will see nothing but goodness".

Leyla's mom is the sweetest woman I have ever seen. I don't think Leyla realize how lucky she is. Me and my mom hardly hold a conversation. My parents are the strict type but Leyla's parents are not.

Anytime I get a notification from my phone I feel anxious. We kept checking and nothing yet.

After a while I received a notification. Epic college: exam and scholarship status

"They text me bestie" I said out loudly.

"Check check " she said.

"I can't"
"Let me do it for you" she take the phone away from me.

The longest seconds of my life ever. Why is she taking so long to just read an email.

"Oh no" she made a sad face.
"Don't tell me I failed?" I hold her hands.

"No girl. You get admitted to epic college " she screamed. We hold hands and start jumping around. The best message of my life.

We waited for so long before leyla received her email. The same thing.

I am so so proud of her. She made it. Her dream of getting into this school finally come true.

I have never seen my family happy like today. Mom even decided to cook my favorite meal. I am so glad I made it.


Monday 7:30 am

I turn to the other side of the bed. And then I remembered today is the day. The big new journey begins now. I get up real quick and get ready. I can't believe I'm dressed in that uniform. My Younger self is proud of me right now. She is proud of me for fulfilling her dream.

"Hayal breakfast will cool down. Where are you?"

"Here mom" I sat down
"Good morning "
"Morning "

We had breakfast and I was about to leave but mom stopped me.

"Hayal don't misbehave okay? You and leyla should mind your business. This children are every rich and out of your league"

"Alright mom"
"If I hear anything, I mean anything wrong about you. You know what will happen" Ali added.

Oh Allah. Why is he so bothered about me. How about he just mind his business.

"Are you listening "


My brother has business to do so he won't drop us at school today. We have to walk on our first day. I prefer walking though.

"Everyone is looking at us" Leyla said.
"Why would they look at us?"
" We're wearing the uniform every kid in this area dream of girl. I feel like a princess right now"
we both laugh and continue walking. We reached the place where most of the cafes and restaurants are.

"Let me get some pastry real quick please " she demanded.

"Please be fast so we won't be late on our first day".

She went to get it while I stood there pressing my phone. The place is actually so beautiful. A Lambo park opposite where I stood. A guy with the same uniform as me come out of it. Why would a high school student drive Lambo with uniform. This rich people like showing up. I won't judge though maybe I will do the same if I was rich.

He pass by my side and entered a coffee shop.

I was scrolling on Pinterest when someone mistakenly hit me. It was the same Lambo guy.

"Pardon" he said. Before I even realize the coffee spill on my skirt.

"What the he.." I said.
"It was a mistake" he said and entered the car.

You just spill coffee over my uniform and leave without doing or saying anything? Is this a joke?


I wonder who this Lambo guy is👀

The drama just begun 💃

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Love you all💜

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