chapter 14

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Leyla went home alone today because me and Ahmad have to stay. We were finally called inside.

"Why did you do that Ahmad?"

"Sometimes we play like this. We joke with each other but I know I went far this time"

"What kind of joke is this? What should I tell your dad now?"

"Please don't tell my family anything about this. You know my dad."

"I will not tell him but this should be the first and last time okay! Both of you will help with library work for a week!"

I'm so glad I have Ahmad. He save my life. I can't imagine what to tell my family.

"Thank you Ahmad. For everything!"

"What are you thanking me for? I will do anything for you girl. I will even sacrifice my life for you".

"You? You couldn't even take the risk of exchanging paper in exam hall and you're talking about sacrificing life?"

"Don't underestimate me girl."

We walk to the library and start making arrangements. It feels good to have a friend like him.


Leyla went to get food for us as usual and I sat alone. Melissa sat down near me. She has been trying to talk to me and I kept avoiding her.

"What do you want this time around?"

"Hayal! I told you Leyla humiliated me but you didn't believe. I know you won't believe what I am about to say either"

I move a away the water I'm drinking. I place my hands on the table.

"I don't believe you because I believe my best friend more. And even she did it to you then you probably deserve it."

"You think I deserve it? Anyways maybe I deserve it But I don't think you deserve what she did to you" her voice tune change. I feel bad for saying she deserves it.

"Believe me or not hayal. Your Best friend or let me put it this way, your fake friend Leyla out that question papers in your bag."

"Crap. Okay you're done. Get up and leave" I gave her a sign.

Leyla walk close confuse. Melissa left as soon as she saw Leyla. I know she is lying.

"What is going on between you and this girl recently?" Leyla ask.

"What are you implying?" I move closer.

"Because I don't understand you!" Her tune change.

"I don't understand hayal. Why are you trying to befriend with the girl that hurt both of us countless times?"

"What the hell! Upon everyone I can befriend you think I will befriend Melissa? Stop all this nonsense and get back to your sense. You seem very off recently" I said angrily. I hardly get angry but sometimes I don't know what is going on in Leyla's head.

"Okay I'm sorry. I have been overthinking too much and I can't control myself. I am sorry please " she hold my hands and I hold it back.

"It's okay"


I sat alone in class scrolling in my phone. Melissa walk in and I didn't bother.

"Hayal we need to talk. Why are you avoiding me?"

"Because I don't understand what we should talk about. You're so obsessed with leyla."

"Is that what you think?"

"Of course yes. Leyla thinks me and you are friends. We're not friends."

"Okay call it whatever you want to call it" she sat down and pull her phone.

"You can say I'm trying to revenge what she did to me. We all know Leyla make that video even though you chose not to believe. I don't care. If she is trying to revenge from me, then what is she trying to get from you?"

"I don't wanna talk to you Melissa please leave." I sigh.

"I will leave but first watch this video."

A video that clearly shows Leyla taking the question papers and putting it in her bag.



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