chapter 8

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The only place my parents allow me to go is Leyla's place, anything other than that is a no. Who does that in this era? I want to have fun. Is not like I want to do something bad. Just want to have fun and live the moments.


Mom screaming my name again. They call me at least five hundred times a day. If people's name finish then mine would have ended long time ago.

"Will you come and wash the dishes or not!"

"I am coming mom"

I wish I am my brother sometimes. All he do is sleep and eat.


The way time flies is actually scary. It's crazy to think that this will be our second term in epic college. We just got admission like yesterday, where did the time go?

We don't have any friends since we start this school. Everyone thinks they are better the other. The only friends we have are the other scholarship students and Ahmad. The way we met was quite unpleasant. I don't think he is like the other guys now. He is actually nice but very annoying. We have been hanging out the three of us, we do almost everything together.

"Hey" He said from the back.

"What the.. you scared me" I find a place and sat down.

"Why are you alone? Where is Leyla?"

" I don't even know where she is" I sigh.

"Or so you guys can actually live without each other?"

"Says who? We inseparable".

Leyla come in at that very moment.

"We were just talking about you" I said.

"I wonder what you were saying about me"

"About how you disappear without no trace. How you left your best friends alone. How can someone leave their friends alone, sounds like betrayal to me?" He tease her.

"Nothing on earth will ever make me leave you guys or betray you. You mean the world to me". Leyla said as if he wasn't joking.

"The emotional queen. I was joking " he take away her phone from her.

"Give me back my phone " she said and they kept running around like little kids. He gave her the phone at last.

We kept on chatting for a while and decide to play the song _Leyla_ . We have been listening to that song for a while now , we know all the lyrics.

Ahmad take his bottle and pretend it's a microphones. Leyla stand on a chair like she's in a concert. I take my pen like it's a microphone too. We kept screaming the lyrics out and dancing like we're not in class.

Melissa and her girls walk in and she start clapping.

"Bravo, what a beautiful concert"

None of us reply because she ruin our moment. She is such a bad vibe.

"Ahmad I want to talk to you about something important" she said.

"Say it here" he replied without looking.

"It need privacy, please".

"Girl I will leave from there, see you" he said and followed her.

"Hayal what are we still doing in school. Let's go home" Leyla said. We pack our stuff and this annoying Melissa walk in again.

She threw my bag on the floor. I am wondering what is going on inside her head. I don't want to mess with her because it might affect only me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.
"It's was mistake. I'm sorry". A fake apology.

"I will go straight to the point. You guys are getting too close to Ahmad and I don't like that"

Leyla look at me with confusion.

"I don't think we quite understand."

Her friend asma walk forward. The asma is that type of insecure girls that stick to the popular girl. I swear they treat her like crap but she wants to be popular.

"It's seem like you guys don't know who Ahmad is to Melissa?"

"Asma don't interrupt". She gave her a stop sign with her hand.

"You two will stay away from Ahmad " she turned around and leyla stopped her.

"What if we don't?"

Melissa move close with so much rage.

"Then I will deal with each one of you. Ahmad is Mine. Everyone in this school knows about us. You will stay away from him or I swear you will regret stepping into this school. I will turn your life into a living hell !!"


This Melissa is getting on my nerves.

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