chapter 15

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I don't what to think about or what to even do.    Hayal get away all time. I'm so scared of myself sometimes. I don't want to lose her or Ahmad. I just want her to stay away from him while I have him all for myself. Is that too much to ask for?

Hayal walk with Melissa. I think these too are friends now. There is no way they are not friends. I won't let Melissa take away my best friend.

"Come with me Leyla". She said angrily. I can't even remember that last time I saw so much anger in hayal's eyes.

"What is going on?" I ask curiously.

She didn't respond instead she hold my hands and drag me.

"Close the door Melissa" she said and Melissa close the door.

"Is there something you need to tell me Leyla?" She asked.

At this point I'm very scared.

"No. Why are you asking?"

"So there is nothing you want to tell me?"

"Yes of course there is nothing"

"Leyla since when did you start lying and doing things behind my back?"

"I have never lied to you hayal! Never!"

She went silent for awhile looking at me.

"Why did you do that? " She screamed and her eyes turn red like she is about to cry.

"What the hell did I do. Stop shouting at me!" I shout back at her.

"You did nothing?" She kept nodding her head.

"I believe anyone can accuse me but not you. Why did you put those papers in my bag?"

"Is this what you're accusing me of?  I hate the fact that you think I can do that. You believe what Melissa told you. That girl hurt us hayal. she hurt us and you're believing her". I couldn't keep eye contact with her. She knows my facial when I'm lying or not.

"I don't have time for all these nonsense". I grab my bag and was about to leave. Hayal drag me back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I push her hands away from me.

"Come and watch this".

She played a video of me which I can't deny. The video is probably taken from all the security cameras.

"Hayal. Let me explain..."

"Do you think this has an explanation?"

"Hayal please"  I hold her hand but she pushed me away. She wants to say something but she start crying instead. I also start crying.

"I believe you Leyla. I never left you for once because I genuinely love you. You're like a sister to me. Is this what sisters do? Is this what I get in return?"

That big shadow that always trap me arrive. The shadow of fear. My extreme fear of loosing the people I love.

"I didn't meant to hurt you hayal, I swear!"

She laughed and said" you didn't meant to hurt me? I almost got expel from this school. If Ahmad wasn't there I don't know what would have happened. Why did you do this to me? Why do I deserve this!" She push the books from the table and take a deep breath.

My hands are shaking and I'm just trying to calm her down. I try to touch her but she gave me a sign not to.

"Can you please listen to me?" I said my voice cracking.

She quickly wipe her tears and look at me. She smiled. "You know what leyla? It's over. There is nothing like Hayal and leyla anymore"

"What do you mean hayal?" She start walking and I try to stop but she is not stopping.

"Please don't leave me hayal."

"It's over!"
She walk out and Melissa followed.

I sat on the floor crying. I'm shaking so bad and my heart is pounding so fast. "No no no please!"


I walk home alone crying. I don't even know where my mind is at. I call hayal countless times and she didn't pick. I text her on every app and she didn't respond.

"Ahmad please help me get through hayal" I text.

"She said I should not talk about you. What happened between you guys? Why is no one telling me something?"

"Please tell her I need to talk to her. Can you please conference call?"

He did as I said but she didn't pick. She definitely hate me now.

I open my cabinet and brought some journal I wrote. I wrote about my days with hayal. I wrote about how much she love and how she never leave me.

"She left now!"

I put back the journal and continue crying. I take my favorite picture of us and hug. "Please don't leave me Hayal"

The first time In my life I saw Hayal WhatsApp contact with no display picture. I text and It didn't deliver. I call and it didn't ring. I know it happened finally. She blocked me. She hate me.

My world went silent completely. I cannot hear anything apart from the voices in my head. I can only feel pain. My tears dried up. I know is time to give up. I consider it a lot of times. I never knew humans can feel so much pain.

I lay down crying.


My mom called my name, and I didn't respond. She walks in to take a look and I wish she didn't.

"Leyla what are you doing!" She screamed.

I quickly put away the blade, but I have already made a very deep cut and it's bleeding a lot.

I continue crying and I can see the fear in mom's eyes.

"Call hayal and tell her" I said

"Let's go to the clinic first"

She hold me and we go to the nearest clinic. My mom called hayal while they take care of the wound. She told her about what happened.

Hayal arrived panicking asking where I am.

They finish talking care of the wound and I hugged her so tight.

"I'm so sorry" whispered.

"I will never forgive you if you do anything to yourself Leyla. I can't live without you. I love you so much"

Leyla and Hayal finally back. I will not allow anything to separate us.


Looks like manipulation to me.... But let's see.


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