chapter 24

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Betrayal hurts so much. The worse thing I still got shock everyday. I just randomly think maybe I am dreaming. Leyla will never did that to me. She is my Leyla. My childhood best friend, my soulmate. But she did. Leyla did everything to separate from Ahmad. She did more than that. Only God knows the things she did.

I am usually the person that forgive so easily. The person that let go of grudge. The most forgiving person ever. Turned out I wasn't. I simply never experienced something heart wrenching. I never felt real pain. After the pain Leyla cause to me, I realized that forgive is the hardest thing ever.

Some days I feel like I forgive her and some days I'm mad again. How can she be so heartless?  I never thought forgiveness can be hard and heart wrenching.

Leyla's tried to reach me countless time but I didn't answered. I don't want anything related to Leyla.

"Hayal!" Mom scream my name.

I wonder what she wants this time around.

"Here mom..." I saw Leyla's mom standing before I finish talking.

"Good afternoon" I look at her.

"Hayal I know Leyla offended you so much.." She said and I stopped her real quick.

"I'm so sorry but I don't want to talk about anything related to Leyla"  I said and started walking.

"Hayal Leyla is dying" I turned back quickly.


"Final stage brain cancer. Leyla is dying hayal. She just want to talk to your for the last time"

No matter how strong hate is, it can never defeat love. I hate Leyla so much but not to that extent. The love I have for her manage to win. I want her to stay away from me but not forever. I don't want Leyla to die.

I panicked and followed her mom to the hospital.
I walk in to the room and saw her condition. The worse condition ever. She shaved her hair completely. Her eyes lashes has fallen out. She looks very pale and sad.


We hugged each other and cried so much without saying a single word.

" Hayal I'm so sorry for everything. Please forgive me"

"Don't say that Leyla. I have forgave but please don't go Leyla. Don't leave me alone"

She smiled and that was the last smile I have seen. The last time my best smile at me before she leave. She closed her eyes at that very moment. I panicked so much.

"Leyla " I start shaking her. We were all ordered to go outside.

They said she was alive at first. She died later.

She left everything and everyone behind. I don't think I have ever felt pain like that day.

Leyla left forever. She is never coming back.


_Years later_

Me and Ahmad never left each other side. We promise to stick with one another since Leyla died. I can't believe so many years has passed already. We started uni together. We study different course but still manage to see each other almost everyday.

I got married to the love of my life 5 months ago. Everyone told us to wait until after  graduation but we didn't.

There is no point in waiting since we're both ready.

The air is filled with blessings. I have no words to explain how I'm feeling. It's like the Best feeling in the world. I step out of bed and wear my dress.

"Babe" Ahmad whispered to my ears.

"You look so beautiful. The most beautiful person in this world"

I love how he compliment me every day. He has been complimenting me since in highschool. Since me and him were just friends. Now we're everything.

"Thank you love. You're the most handsome person in the world"

He moved closer and wrapped his hand around me.

"Are you ready for the big day? We're finally graduating"

"I'm more than ready babe. I can't wait to sleep without academic stress."

He hold my hands and we walk out together.

We finally made it. We did it together.💗


The end, alhamdulillah

True love always win at the end of the day.

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So much love, Sa'adah 🤍

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