chapter 11

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Ahmad putting his jacket on hayal? Why were they alone in that place. I slammed the door in my room. I find myself crying. Suddenly everything hurts. Melissa humiliated me. I remember how I felt. None of them did anything at the moment until she told my secrets.

  I take a picture of Ahmad and hug it.

"Please don't fall in love with her please."

I'm scared that hayal will take away my Ahmad from me. She is always better than me. She always get everything she wants. She's always the smartest student not me. _It's always hayal and her best friend not Leyla and her best friend._

She is always above. Always.


I find out what happened to hayal and I genuinely felt bad. She could have freeze to death if he didn't save her and I was there dying of jealousy.

I always take Ahmad's phone to do what I want. But I take the phone with a different purpose today. I scroll through his chat with Melissa. Exactly what I wanted. She is so desperate, more desperate that me even. She send him voice message crying, begging him. There are videos of her crying but he delete them and I can't redownload on WhatsApp. Fortunately there are some on Instagram so I sent to myself. I download it on my phone then delete the message from his phone. I screenshot all those chat. "I can't leave without you. Don't leave me like my mom please" so many chat I can use to humiliate her. He is busy talking with Hayal he didn't even realize I have been on his phone for a long time. After I take whatever I want I start looking at gallery.

"Give me my phone" he take away the phone.

"I didn't even finish"
"You were watching pictures all this time? You're really boring"

"So you're "


I know Melissa is a bad person since the first day I step into this school but she doesn't know us yet. She don't know who I am yet. I'm Leyla, nobody mess with me and get away with it.

I don't think Melissa is all she thinks she is. After seeing all her conversation with Ahmad I see how tiny she is. She is absolutely nothing. I will hit her in her weakest point just like she did to me. I will proof to her that I'm indeed an unwanted child.

I have a fake Instagram and twitter page just for hate. I only drag the bullies of this school on the page. Most of my followers are from the school. Now my account turn into hating on Melissa. I comment ugly things on every thing she post. She will never have peace as long as I am alive.

I decided to humiliate just like she did to me, but in the worse way ever.

I am so good at editing. I edited all the screenshot of the chat, her video crying all in one video. There's a bot voice over on the video explain most of the screenshot.

We normally have a school movie night. I decided to pump in. It's only students that attend. Not all students, few students mostly from our class or seniors.


My class members agreed on a movie night and I decide to use that opportunity.

The guy responsible for the movie was about to start when I enter. I start off a conversation on how people got bullied in this school and how the bullies get away with it.

"It's so sad. We are all quiet too. Wish we can do something" he said.

"You can do something. You can do it."


Everyone is ready for movie to start playing. Then my video start playing.

"Thank you so much for not disappointing me" I text the guy.

Melissa's video start playing and her friends got up.

"Who is this!?"
"Turn this nonsense off!"

It keep on playing till the end and all the students start chanting about it.

"Imagine begging someone to love you" I said and most of the students start laughing.


Do you think Leyla did the right thing?

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