The date (I)

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The restaurant was fancy just looking at it from the outside. The interior designs follow those of the western style. On the way to the private rooms, paintings of flowers, birds, and trees were hung on the walls. It was a good ambiance all in all.

"Here is your room, Sir." the waiter said while slowly opening the door. I was planning to call sky so I have someone to help me finish the food but when I saw the person inside I brushed off the idea. 

Inside was the handsome alpha who drove me home this morning, who was concerned about my heat, and who I slept with last night. I'm still amazed at how fast things happen and even more amazed that I met this guy who everyone said was a bastard in character... I say, he's but a loveable man. Aigoo! Rain... look at you defending him already. 

He stood up when he saw me and help me sit on the chair, "I ordered the food already, I hope you don't mind." Did he order the food? but I thought dad ordered it? hehe... this guy... 

"Okay. Let's see what Mr. Alpha's preference in food." I smiled like I won a lottery. 

"Ah... but I ordered the food you like," he said instantly. I was surprised and sad at the same time.

"What?! How did you know what I like?"

"You told Saifah in the car so I mentally take down notes." 

Ah. So it was me who said it... it was because I chatter so much. What a waste... "... you can slowly learn everything about me." I gaze at him after hearing what he said. I guess he was comforting me cause I didn't score today! Better step up my game.


After a while, the food arrived. It's really all the food I mentioned last night... sigh, now I'm gonna fall harder. How can my heart resist such a man? If there were more Boss on earth I want to buy them all! 

"How was your exam?" he was serving me food on my plate and I just stared at him. He was doing it like it was already a habit. Then a thought came to me, answering his question with a question, I spoke, "Are you doing this with all your past partners?... like serving them food and being so good to them?" My heart was itchy.

Boss hands froze mid-air and stared at my eyes... I'm nervous. I know I should not ask. I know we're still in the courting stage... I know that it's immature of me to ask but just thinking that Boss did this to someone else makes me sad. 

He put down the ladle back to the bowl and held my hand, move it closer to him and kiss the back of my hand. My eyes wanted to release water but I can't that would be embarrassing. 

"Rain..." he softly called my name. "... Rain..." he rubs my hand on his cheek and kisses my palm, "... you are the first omega that I give my attention to. I said I will try my best to win you. Whatever I'm doing now, I only did it with you."

"... saying it with that face is cheating." I'm happy. I'm truly happy I think I can finish all the food on the table. 

"Haha... I can't change my face, you have to make do with it." he chuckled. It was not loud but it was sincere. Boss, I noticed since yesterday... he laughs and smiles with me... am I thinking too much? Is it just because we knew each other for two days?

"Ahhhh..." to make up for my immaturity, I took a small size chicken and brought it to his mouth. When he opens it to eat it, I move my chopstick away... hehe, the death stare. I move it again to his mouth and he fell for it again as I move the chopstick away for the second time. Nah, I was just teasing him. I'm happy he needs to bear with it. 

"Naughty." He grabs my hand holding the chopstick and force-feed it into his mouth. He's so cute.

"So, how was your exam?" Bro, he really wants to know about my exam. 

"It's okay... no biggie... hehe"... let's just eat, please. I want to forget about the exam! It's a nightmare... a nightmare. 

"Then I should help Rain forget that nightmare..." oops! here it comes... Mr. Alpha was about to throw his card again. "how about we watch a movie after we eat? Do you want that?" Damn, I'm one spoiled omega. 

"You won't go back to the company?" It's six in the evening. I thought big boss's left the company at ten in the evening or just simply sleep there. 

"I have a date with Rain. Saifah can handle the company matters today." Oh. Yeah. He's the boss so he can tell people to do his work. Poor Saifah. Fighting Brother!

"Speaking of date, did you just snatch me from my date with dad?" The food tastes delicious. Suite my taste bud perfectly.

"... dad?" he whispered. 

"En." When I raised my head I saw him biting his lips, "what's wrong?"

He quickly stood up and went to my side cupping my face, "Did you call my father, dad?"  His eyes had a trace of expectation. 

"Yeah. He said I ca- mpphh" the third kiss. It taste like the food he had just eaten. 

"Rain, can I kiss you more?" It's illegal to ask permission after you did the act bro... just continue kissing! Oh, well... let's just... this time I pulled his face closer and kiss him. The taste of food, the taste of our saliva, and the taste of our lips combine into one. 

"We're eating... let's finish it." 

He nodded and took his plate and place it in front of him. We were seated side by side. "Let's watch movies..." he said while biting the carrots.

"Does it make you happy? That I call your father 'dad'?"

"Yeah. 'cause it means you are slowly accepting me."

"Are you still afraid?"

He was silent for a moment and then held my hand again, "too early to tell..."

"Take your time."

The dinner was good. After we finished eating, we went to the movies and watch the action genre. I had fun with this date. We debate about the protagonist and how the villain was wrongfully accused... but the best thing was we agreed on the same thing at the end. 

I love that we had a conversation. I love that Boss was treating me special... I'm happy.

"Oi! Oi!" Just as I indulged myself in thinking I saw a familiar face. "dating?" I tap that familiar face on the shoulder. 

"Rain?!" and it was hilarious to see the surprised look on his face. 

"Aha! it's me, Rain." I gave him a meaningful smile. Then my eyes hover to the side, I saw Boss and the man that was with Sky talking, "Do you know each other?" I ask.

"En. He's my friend."

"Oh." I look at Sky again, "You're dating my boyfriend's friend?" I said without thinking. 

"You're dating?!" Sky asks with a high-pitched tone.

Rain: "You're dating too?!" 

Sky: "Who's your boyfriend? Why didn't you say anything?"

Rain: "You didn't say anything too. Is he your boyfriend?"

Sky: "No."

Rain: "He's not my boyfriend too."

Sky: "... but you said..."

Rain: "just a rush of emotion."

Sky: "really?"

"I'm not yet his boyfriend but I'm his Alpha." Boss placed his hand over my shoulder as he spoke those words. My heart jump when he said that he was my alpha.

"Oh... not a boyfriend but his alpha... hmm. Okay." Sky had a meaningful nod. I knew what he was thinking.

I think someone was marking his territory. He's my alpha? I'm his omega? hehe... I'm happy.


Rain: Author! Boss said he's my alpha... hehe

Author: Oh. I know. That's what he said to his father, right?

Rain: ...... 


Rain: ...........

Rain: ........................

Author: *cold sweat*

I married the Alpha bastard {completed}Where stories live. Discover now