The date (II)

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Due to an unexpected meet-up and the discovery of 'alphas', Sky and I decided on a group date which the two also agreed. The most common reason for this group date is gossip! Yes, who wouldn't want to gossip with their friend? especially their romantic life? 

Going to the venue, we ride in two separate cars, and almost immediately when we arrived, Sky and I run to the overlooking spot on the race track. The race track has a restaurant and a beautiful scenic view. Speaking of which, this is the same race track where I met Boss. 

Looking at them, the two alphas just give each other a meaningful look. 

"So, when did the almighty Boss catch a fairy?" Pai asks with obvious teasing. 

"My question exactly, when did beast catch a beauty?" Boss ask back raising a brow then added, "I met him here."

"Really? What a coincidence, I met Sky here too."

Both alphas look at each other again and smile in understanding. "You like him?" Pai drop the bomb but Boss keep quiet and never answered, Pai did not insist either. 

On the other hand... 

"Spill it!." Sky said with a hint of command. 

"Well.." I really did not know where to begin, if Sky knew that it just started a few days ago he will... "it happen so fast."

"Okay. Go on..."

"I met him during his rut..." my voice faded because of embarrassment but Sky just look at me with eagerness in his eyes, he really want to gossip. "Anyway, we are now trying to pursue each other, so I might have an alpha in a month. Are you proud of me?" I grinned, like a crazy puppy. 

Sky just glared at me... deadpanned. 

What does that even mean???

"So, which stage are you now?" Oh. Should I tell him? It's embarrassing though. 

"Um... ki-kissing? We kissed. He kissed me."

"Pursuing each other but already on a kissing stage... my friend is a slut." Well... I'm not! it's just that Boss's lips are tasty and soft and his smell is so good you'll get addicted to it. Who wouldn't want to kiss such an alpha? "Is it bad?" I can only spit this question.

"No. I already slept with Pai," he said like it was nothing. Like he only bought water at the store or like he ate the bread prepared on the table. 

"Whattt???! Daym! you're a slut, too." I know my eyes sparkle saying that my friend is a S-L-U-T. I just admired him that's all. 

"All alpha wants is sex. They're all assholes... so be careful but I still cheer you on. Who knows, this one is a good wolf." I feel sad. I feel sad about what Sky said not for myself but for him. For all the things he went through I could not blame him for thinking such a thing. 

"So, you and him?" I had a hunch... but I just want to make sure.

"Nah... we're not serious."

"Are you sure?"

"Uh-huh. And him? Is he good to you?" Sky asks me with a pure smile on his face. No matter what he experienced he didn't push it on me, he still wants me to see the beauty of life and love. What a good friend. 

"Yes. I met his family and his dad likes me."


After a while of talking we were disturbed by the two alphas, "we ordered some food, are you two ready to eat?"

If it's eating then... WE ARE ALWAYS READY! The table is full of Korean cuisine and some Thai cuisine, Sky and I happily dig in but Boss keeps on reminding me to slow down. I'm not a kid, I won't choke from eati-

Cough cough...

"See, I told you to slow down. Here, have some water."

I guess I'm a kid at heart so I still choke on food. "Sorry..."

"Don't apologies just slow down... I'll peel the crabs for you." This guy really takes care of me every time we eat. I like it so much. 

"You should eat too... " I took a chunk of fish and feed it to him which Boss really did eat. Wow. From my own chopstick, Boss eats from my own chopstick. Crazy. "You like it?" I'm happy.


On the other side of the table...

"Hey, you said your stomach hurts. Don't eat spicy food." I heard Pai say it with genuine concern. I wonder why Sky thinks that Pai only wants sex. "Please, stop eating that... it will worsen the pain." Poor Pai. Sky is stubborn... I wish you luck. 

"Don't be such a baby. Eating little won't hurt." Yeah, Sky is stubborn. The more you reprimand him the more he will challenge you. Boss is already lucky that I'm easy... hahaha.

"Fine. I ask someone to buy you medicine." Not waiting for Sky to speak, Pai called someone to bring medicine for stomach pain. I look at my watch and it is already eight in the evening... poor assistant can't even rest on time. 

Boss is busy peeling and giving me food while Pai is busy taking food away from Sky. It's a bit funny when you look at the contrast but I wonder why Sky hurt his stomach he was okay the last time we meet. 

The table originally had two couples, it's a group date but it feels like two couples just sharing the same table. I can't complain though, we don't need to talk to each other. I don't even know what to say to Pai and I heard Alphas are possessive so better avoid making trouble. 

The dinner ends, Sky and Pai left already while we stayed for a little longer sitting on the overlooking view. Boss insisted that he wants a solo date with me... he remember to throw his card again while I... I already forget that I should throw my card and just go with the flow. 

Boss sits on the reclining chair while I sit with my back facing him. His hands were on my waist kneading it unconsciously. I place my head on his chest... so comfortable. The stars look so bright and beautiful tonight. 

"Rain..." he called my name. His nose sniffing my gland.


"... Rain." his lips softly kiss my gland, and I shiver. 

"What?" I said softly almost whimpering.

"... Rain... you smell good."

"I know."

Then he bit me softly... beside my gland. "Why... why do you like to bite me?"

"cause you so smell good..."

"We're outside."

"Can I bite you when we're alone?"

I froze. 

No way. Not now. We can't yet.

"No!" I said with firmness.

Boss stiffen.


MIA for 2weeks, sorry... I got busy with writing and editing my original novel for submission and with my work. Hopefully, I can update again tomorrow. I still haven't watched episode 8! I'm so sad... 

Enjoy reading.

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