The sincerity

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A thousand cranes.

Without rest, I started to fold paper cranes from small to big sizes and different colors. My secretary looked at me with a funny face. He might be thinking that I've gone crazy but I don't care.

I had to watch online tutorials and look for faster ways to make a thousand cranes within a few days. After meetings, I folded papers. When arriving home, I folded papers. While listening to updates from my secretary, I folded papers. I fold papers whenever I have a chance.

With a large transparent jar, the cranes slowly increase in number. Each crane comes with a phrase, my sincere words for Rain were all written inside these folded papers. Days passed by, and with little sleep, I finished a thousand cranes without any help.

My fingers were numb and sometimes hurts that they became stiff but I have to persevere. This was the only way I can show my sincerity. The only way I know.

Four days passed and I sent a message to Rain hoping that my baby will respond to me.

[Can I see you tonight?]

I never felt so nervous when dealing with the business but now my heart can't stop throbbing while waiting for Rain's reply. Each second was torture and time seems to stretch, ticking at a very slow pace.

Five minutes after and there was no reply.

[Baby, I'll wait in front of your house. Let me see you tonight, please.]

... and I'm begging. In business, people beg for my approval and for even the smallest glance at the projects they propose and now I'm begging for Rain to give me a little of his time.

For a short time with Rain, I realize that pride won't help in a relationship. I never dared to show my pride anyways. Each time, Rain led me. I'm brave to show my physical affection to Rain because I felt his silent permission.

Maybe that was why my dad and step-father started well but end up on the wrong foot. Pride was between them. Which one was at fault most, I dare not say.

I miss Rain. I miss his scent. I miss my omega.

Thirty minutes passed and Rain did not respond. I remember how I made Rain wait for my response that day. I had to stop by and see my sister after crying asking for help with her unplanned pregnancy. I should have told Rain about it but I indirectly lied thinking that it was not a big deal.

Did he feel like this too? or did he feel worst than this? The regret I have in my heart made my breath heavy for a while.

Seeing Rain soaking wet waiting for me under the heavy rain like an abandoned kitten, I lost the courage, to tell the truth. I regretted it. I made my omega wait for me. I made the only person I cared about to be betrayed by me. I failed Rain so much.

I swear not to tell lie to Rain again. I swear not to hide anything from him. I swear.

Small and big things, everything should be said to Rain. Only to him, I will surrender my whole being. I will be his slave and he will be my only master.


The sound of the phone brought me back life to me. It was like a life jacket thrown to me in my drowning state. I received a breath of air when I desperately grasped for one.


One word. One word was enough to take away the heavy emotion I am carrying these days. It was enough to see hope. I can never leave Rain's side, I will stick myself to him for life.

Rain was my shelter, my comfort, my air, and my life.

I love Rain with all my heart.

Yes. I love my baby so much.

Without wasting time, I calmly prepare to meet Rain tonight. I wish for it to be perfect but I know nothing in life was perfect so at least it has to be close to perfection.

I prepared the location with my own hands. The things I need and the clothes that I need to wear. All were prepared by me. It felt like preparing for my judgment whether I go to heaven or hell. But wherever I go, I just want to be with Rain.

Time was ticking fast.

Such a tease.

When the time reach six in the evening, I drove to Rain's house to my surprise, Rain was standing outside waiting for me. Again, I made my omega wait. It was not a good thing for me. I should be the one waiting for him. Haa! I my heart tightened with the thought of Rain standing outside for a long time.


Rain went in the car without waiting for me to go outside, "long time no see..." he said. He was glowing. Rain had a sparkle in his eyes, was he happy to see me, or did these four days give him relief? Was I too much of a burden?

Negative thoughts start to conquer my mind again. Fighting it off, I took Rains hand and gently kiss it and proceed to the location.

"Where are we going?" The innocence in his eyes sucks my soul out of my body. It made me surrender to him.

"You'll know when we arrive," I said forcing myself not to spoil my surprise.

Minutes passed and we arrive at the destination. I'm glad the sky was clear tonight. I sense that everything will go smoothly tonight.

"Oh. Race track?" He looks at me with shock. "Are you going to take me on a ride with your motorcycle?" Fuck! Clearing my throat, I denied his words.

I swear not to lie but now I lied again.

Sometimes I wonder if Rain has the ability to see the future.

"The news said there will be lots of stars tonight. Let's go watch it later." Rain was grinning with his eyes curving down. He was excited to see the stars.


I better keep my mouth shut to avoid lying.


Boss: ᶘಠᴥಠᶅ

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