'So I'm touring with two lookalikes and their best friends...sort of.'

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You were playing Genshin with Kiana and Fu Hua. Since Fu Hua only started, she was using Anemo Traveler. Lumine, to be exact. Kiana was using Heizou, you guessed it was because she likes punching hilichurls. It's weird because he's only level 20, and she's reached Inazuma. Of course, you were using (character you main).

Then you noticed something...

Kazuha and Heizou seemed to be having trouble navigating the place, so you decided to help them out.

You: You two having trouble navigating the house?

Kazuha: I...yes...

You: I'll help you two out.

Kazuha: We don't want to take up too much of your time...

You: It's okay, I will help you anyway.

Heizou: Really? Thanks!

After a while of showing them around, you wanted to buy some extra clothes for them, because you gave away some of the boys' clothes so there were few left for them when you gave them the clothes. You were about to go when you completely forgot you were still playing Genshin with Kiana and Fu Hua.

Kiana: Y/n! C'mon, we're going to fight the ice flower!

You: Oh, I completely forgot! Sorry, I was going to buy clothes for these two over here...

Kiana: Eh, it's okay. I think Hua and I can beat it on our own.

Fu Hua: Maybe it's better if we join you? After all, they're one of the ones here who have never been in Earth before. We can show them around.

You: Great idea! Just that you need to turn off the game.

After they turned it off, they prepared and were ready to go to the mall with you.

*At the mall*

Kiana: Alright! I wanna go shopping around here!

Fu Hua: Remember, Kiana, we only came to buy clothes for our guests over here.

Kiana: Aw, but I want some for myself too...

You: You could buy some...if you have money, that is.

Kiana: I got some!

You: Okay, as long as you stick with Hua. Kazu, how are you back there?

Kazuha: I'm doing okay, thank you.

You: Good. How about you- wait- hold u- Heiz- HEIZOU?!

It turns out that Heizou was sorta...missing.

You were basically panicking in front of everyone at the mall since someone in your group went missing.

Kazuha: Calm down, we'll find him.

You: Okay, okay, but...what if we left him at the house?! We gotta go back and get him!

Fu Hua: I'm pretty sure I saw five people in the car. There was me, Kiana, you, Kazuha and Heizou, who's missing. So he possibly wandered off somewhere else.

You: But this place is huge! We'll never find him in time!

Kiana: Split up?

You: Hold on, we gotta check if our phones have enough battery and we can chat each other...

You tried typing in Kazuha's private chat. He received it, so this means you can chat with other Genshin characters by now.

You added his account, along with Kiana and Fu Hua's, to a random group chat.

Heizou hunters

Hua: Why is the group chat named 'Heizou hunters'?

You: bcs were going on a hunt for heizou

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