PROLOGUE 💛 The Final Decision

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"EVERYBODY QUIET!" KARMA yelled slamming his hands against the table all the deitys had gathered around causing the room to fall silent almost instantly, everybody turning to face the head deity who sat at the head of the table. KARMA was an angel like deity with a bright orange glow blocking any signs of his body except for a human shape with large Swan like wings that dripped down to the floor "bickering about eachothers creations won't solve the problem"

"Well what do you suggest we do then mister omnipotent Birdman" FATE mocked before sliding against the back of her chair, FATE was a skeletal deity with a red glow emitting from where bones would be and four thin white slots serving as eyes placed on the skull.

"DESTINY, please keep your sister under control" a certain dark blue harpy like figure sighed named CHAOS asked turning to look at the deity of destiny, a skeletal deity with a soft blue glow and ribbons wrapped around her neck and waist that flowed like a mist around her with two large white slots acting as eyes. DESTINY just looked at her sister then to CHAOS, the motion enough to say what she had no idea what to about FATES rudeness.

BALANCE and MEMORY gave eachother those looks friends give eachother when they know something is about to go down, BALANCE was a feminine human figure with four cat like tails and curved ram horns that gave of a dull green glow. MEMORY on the other hand was a tall but frail deity who took a more animalistic appearance, their legs mimicked that of a deers hind legs and they had long curved antlers from their forehead with clocks fit into their eyes and hanging from the antlers as well as emitting a white glow.

"We still need to solve this problem FATE, Remember that this time the problem wasn't caused by you but that doesn't mean you need to be rude about it" KARMA Scolded the deity before turning to CHAOS "CHAOS, can you please give us a run through of the situation from what you could gather over the last few weeks?" CHAOS nodded and took a spot at the head of the room opening a window into the main multiverse

"A few millenias back one of FEELINGS chosen children made a decision that caused them to break away from the other chosen child even if it wasn't intentional. Due to this, the two wandered the multiverse and stumbled upon the other chosen children forming groups that are and have been fighting eachother since the the apple incident. However, recently the blances they were made to maintain have been getting unstable putting the multiverse itself at risk without a way to properly balance it all out" CHAOS began "We cannot create anymore chosen children due to our lack of magic from creating the first ones, unless we can find a way to create a counter to the balance problem soon we might loose the entire multiverse"

Every deity in the room exchanged looks with eachother waiting for someone to suggest an idea

"I might have an idea" a voice went, everyone turned to face the deity who'd spoken revealing a dark purple (almost black) glowing humanoid deity wearing what looked like long flowing robe and long hair. their eyes were replaced by thin black slots with black lines dripping Down their face and through the purple glow all the way to the floor.

"and that is what, BETRAYAL?" KARMA asked the deity making sure they weren't getting any less then reasonable ideas considering their past

"We could put a small amount of our power together to create a being more powerful then the original chosen children, an admin you could say. We could also give them something that let's us guide them incase they're about to make a more then questionable decision" BETRAYAL suggested.

"that... actually sounds like a reasonable idea" DESTINY spoke cutting the silence that had filled the room after the deity of betrayal's suggestion

"Well? should we get started on planning out this being?" FEELINGS asked from her seat beside CHOICE

"I say we use most of DESTINY's magic in the creation" BALANCE suggested earning a few raised brows from the deitys in the room "DESTINY is the only deity here who barely put any magic into her creation so it only makes sence to me"

"I suppose I could do that, plus I have been meaning to work on my creation magic for a bit so this could count as practise" DESTINY agreed with a nod following her speech

And now... to create


"How about we make them a skeleton like the other major chosen children?"

"Oh! let's give them black bones and make them biologically female for a change, all the others are either VOID influenced or biologically male"

"why don't we make their magic colour yellow? how about we make them a Vengeance, Justice and Honour soul while we're at it?"

"Let's put a bit of hate in as well, give em an attitude if you know what I mean"

"They should have soul magic as a backup, maybe through strings like DESTINY and FATE"

"Good idea! let's decide on a name now, how about Code?"

"No, that dosent seem like a good name in my opinion, how about Hardware?"

"Nah, let's use... Virus or error perhaps? those fit quite a bit"

"Yeah! I like the name error, let's use that as their name!"

"So it's settled then, Let's get to work on finishing error!"


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NAME: Error Queen
PROJECT NAME: Operation Pandora
CREATOR DEITY: DESTINY mostly but also every other deity
GENDER: Female
SPECIES: Glitch Skeleton
SOUL COLOURS/TRAITS: Vengeance (Dark red), Justice (Light yellow), Honour (Light red) and Hate (jet black)
APPERANCE: Black bones, ERROR signs around the body, Black jacket with blue fading down it, Puffy red sweater with yellow stripes, Red short shorts, Yellow knee high boots, Puffy blue scarf, Yin-yang necklace.
MAGIC TYPE: Destructive and Soul based
MAGIC: ERROR blasters, ERROR bones, Soul Strings, ERASE button, Levitation, Code manipulation, Windows, Portals and Soul Tracking.
TITLES: Godess Of Destruction, Multiverse Anti-virus, Living Glitch and Operation Pandora.
LANGUAGES: Binary (original), English, Spanish and Japanese.

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