CHAPTER 1 💛 The Waking Destroyer

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Her breathing was steady and her body felt light. that was all she knew before she felt something enter her skeletal body, it was warm and made her relax... suddenly she gasped pushing herself up and gripping her chest.

"What the- I'm... awake? (in binary)" Error said incredibly confused, she looked at her hands her breathing getting steadied to a normal pace again and looking around only to see the exact opposite of what she'd been seeing for her entire existence before this: white, the exact opposite of black. everything for miles upon miles was just white, she pulled her legs into her body and only just noticed the letter on the floor after doing that, error reached out and unfolded the note reading the binary written across it

'Dear Error Queen,
If your reading this then you have woken up and are ready to fulfil your purpose. your name is Error Miscalculation Queen but your also known as Operation Pandora to us deitys as that's the mission you were created specifically to do. you're job is to destroy AUs created by FATE's chosen child ink and you posses power stronger then he could ever think of existing.
Your first language is binary code (even if it dosent really count as one) due to needing to understand the code you'll be examining, editing and deleting therefore you will need to learn how to speak other languages in order to interact with the multiverse.
Check the code to see everything else you must know.
Signed, DESTINY.
P.S, On the back of this note is a list of all the chosen children, aka the people who the originals of cannot be killed at any cost'

Error turned the note around her eyes widening at the sheer amount of names on the list, how was she ment to remember who everybody was without needing to check this thing every few seconds!?

'Ink - Created by FATE
Dream - Created by FEELINGS
Nightmare - Created by FEELINGS
Abyss - Created by VOID
Core - created by DESTINY
Blue/Swap - Created by CHAOS
Science - Created by KNOWLEDGE
Time Kid - Created by TIME
Classic - Created by BALANCE
Cross - Created by KARMA
Dust - Created by MEMORY
Horror - Created by BETRAYAL
Fell - Created by CHOICE
Outer - Created by HOPE
Lust - Created by LOVE'

Error sighed and put the note in her jacket pocket putting a hand to her skull trying to figure out what to do now. She just woke up and was told she needed to destroy the creations of another semi-god. was semi-god even the right word? Anyway she barely knew how to do anything and apparently could speak the only thing nobody else could... this would be a long day wouldn't it? She pushed herself up and decided to try do a basic check.

Name: Error Queen
HP: 61E$ERR@R / 61E$ERR@R (EFF: infinite)
ATk: 68521941E$ERR@R (EFF: infinite)
DEF: 61194643E$ERR@R (EFF: infinite)
- Created for Operation Pandora
- Godess of destruction
- Strong soul magic user
- Strongest sans in the entire multiverse
- Has Atychiphobia (fear of failure) and haphephobia (fear of touch)

She squinted at the screen infront of her moving it closer to get a better view 'are my stats seriously glitching?' she thought annoyed. Error looked at her hand closing the check and trying to get a hang of using her magic.

💛 Three Hour Later 💛

It took a while but error finally managed to get a hand of her magic, the blasters and bones were easiest to get under control but could be bit harder to summon if being attacked based off the focus she needed even if it wasn't much. The code panels were intresting to say the least, they were incredibly detailed and complex to the point she was surprised she could even understand what was being shown to her without considering the fact she was likely one of the only people able to read binary. The ERASE button was oddly simple for its purpose, same with the strings, it was just a small amount of magic followed by some simple gestures to control them.

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