CHAPTER 7 💛 An Angry Glitch

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"GUYS!" Blue yelled shoving the door open so fast it was surprising it didn't fall off its hinges, Dream jumped dropping his cup of coffee which shattered into at least 10,000 pieces and Ink leapt right into the canvas he was working on meaning his outfit was covered in multicolored paint

"OH COME ON! I JUST WASHED THIS!" Ink yelled incredibly annoyed whole dream just gave a sigh and went through the cupboards to find the cleaning supplies. It was common for blue to burst randomly into rooms so dream had hidden cleaning supplies in every room for when he did it. why it needed to be hidden you may be asking? Well let's just say there's a reason dream had to baby proof the house after staying with ink for one day.

"YOU WILL HAVE NO IDEA WHO I JUST MET!"  Blue announced having somehow gotten in the coffee table despite having been in the doorway not even 5 seconds ago

"one, get off the table" Dream stated eyeing Blue, if looks could kill then an apocalypse would have started there and then so Blue got off the table "Two, tell us after you have eaten"

"But I-" Blue tried to speak but was cut off by dream

"A few crackers don't count as breakfast, so hurry up and eat something that's actual food for once!" Dream snarled pushing a plate across the table "Or else It'll be patrol duty in underlust"

"WHAT!?" Blue yelled pushing the chair back and standing up, dream shot him the same look from earlier and blue sat down eating his food in silence. Dream was likely the only one in the upper levels of the council that had any sort of responsibility which he actively acknowledged and tried to abide to.

"Alright, now tell us" Dream said taking the plates and putting them to the side of the sink for cleaning later

"Well remember that terrible council meeting where Ink claimed he saw an unidentified sans?" Blue started hearing the ruffling of fabric telling him that Ink was likely checking his scarf while Dream nodded having gotten a new cup of coffee now "Well I met them and they're a she!"

"Wait WHAT!?" Ink yelled, dream groaned grabbing his forehead with a snarl slowly sliding up his face "but I never made any female sanses!?"

"Ink, sit down please" Dream spoke up glaring daggers into inks non-existent soul, Blue could only guess that dream had enough due to the lack of positive emotions in the multiverse today.

"Sorry" Ink apologised sitting back down and letting Blue continue

"Well they were unidentified right? that means Ink didn't create them or their existence was decided by something other then him which luckily I know how since she told me" Blue seemed to hesitate slightly at continuing "I'm not sure if she'd want me to tell you this... Well her names Error and we're going to be meeting again this afternoon, that's where I'll stop taking about her"

"sounds to me like blue has a crushhhhhhhh!" Ink cheered in an overly flirty way at the end, blue just stared at him with a deadpan expression and dream didn't look at all "not even a chuckle? sheesh! harsh crowd huh"

"now is not the time Ink" Blue said with a sigh

"Just because Blue has a friend, unlike you" Dream whispered the last part so nobody heard "it doesn't mean he likes them romantically like all those things you read on your phone"

"WAIT! you were looking through my phone!?" Ink gasped sounding incredibly offended that the mom in their group had went through his phone

"Well that reaction is all I need to know my claim is true" Dream answered nonchalantly. He suddenly went stiff grabbing the counter behind him for support

"Dream? Dream!? Are you alright!?" Ink asked running up to dream, dream snarled and shook his head

"Nightmare" he muttered opening a portal both Ink and Blue getting ready to fight before jumping in.

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