CHAPTER 4 💛 The Deal

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A large pile of blankets sat on the floor of the Anti-Void with the majority being blue, red and yellow covered in floral patterns or black embroidery. Error was wrapped in the blankets stress eating the seventh tub of ice cream for the day in her Pillow Fort, she couldn't shake the feeling something would happen and it only got worse as time went on so now she was doing the one thing FEELINGS told her to do if she ever felt anxious or sad: Build a Pillow Fort and stress eat her favorite type of ice cream which very unsurprisingly was chocolate.

Three of the widest, Comfiest red blankets were layed across the floor of the Anti-Void with glowing yellow and orange strings woven around the colourful and very warm structure. Error held a fuzzy black fox plush she'd made near the end of the day before after getting new materials alongside having the Puppets she managed to finish over the three days she started making them which happened to be a Blue puppet, Ink puppet, Outer puppet, Lust puppet, Killer puppet, Classic puppet and a Nightmare puppet.

She grabbed the Nightmare puppet with her strings putting the now empty tub of ice cream on the floor beside her, she attached the strings on every part of the puppet she needed for proper puppeteering and did the same with the Ink, Blue and Killer Puppets. Even if Error preferred to not interact directly with the sanses of the multiverse it didn't mean he wasn't open to watching them... hold on isn't that stalking?

Error shook her head uncomfortable with such a thought, she twisted the strings and set the Puppets up where she wanted them deciding to try recreate a battle she saw once between the sanses infront of her.


Welp, that didn't help, Error let her strings go loose on the Puppets throwing them around for a but before laying them on the floor again in no particular order. She was bored and that feeling still wasn't gone! what could be worse then this!?

She gave a childish huff and stood up using her strings to take apart the pillow Fort and placed them in the web she formed om the ceiling. She got bored once and thought about rearranging the strings ending up with a Web thick enough for someone to stand on in most areas and even a few that could hold lots of items before giving in and collapsing. She opened a portal to a naturetale copy deciding to pass the time by destroying an AU or two.

Error leapt into the portal steadying her feet on the dark green flowers layed across what served as the start of a reset, she pushed forward saving at the start of the AU and starting her search for the frisk. Luckily it didn't take that long since it seemed like the AU had just started a new run and the frisk was still talking to flowey

how convenient :)

she pulled some strings from her eyes a bright blue glow giving off from the strings and her tear marks, she saw the flowey turn to look at the glow as they slowly went off their usual lines

"You must be... so... confused?" The flowey said their high confident voice switching to a mutter "what the heck?"

"hehehehehehe!" Error couldn't help but laugh at the flower's expression, the frisk spun around their eye open for the first and likely last time showing two bright yellow eyes with orange star shaped pupils only to close them a bit after "Oh fox! oh fox! I'm so sorry! it's just your expression!" Error chuckled stepping out the shadows and into the clearing "it's so pathetic!"

She only laughed even louder at the clear fright plastered on the frisk and flowey's faces, she shook her head giving a small smile before throwing her strings at the frisk causing her strings to wrap around the bright red soul. She pulled her hand back and threw a barrage of bones at the frisk killing the body while preserving the soul "Now I'll be taking this if you don't mind♡"

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