CHAPTER 10 💛 What Is This? A Date?

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"I can be anonymous or something, It takes about 30 days for a picture to fully delete, and even then it's still out there somewhere (the internet holds all). If you really want to delete the photo, would you be able to go into Killer's phone's code or something?" The voice, now named anonymous, not very original in Error's opinion but not like it's her place to decided if people have odd name choices hers literally sounds more like an insult then a name.

"Wow I wish it was that simple! You know how I have that ERASE button? Well imagine the multiverse is just a lot of randomly placed files on a computer everything you add something a small amount is added but never sorted. Each piece of code attached to an object is located in the [OMNIVERSE NAME] ➡️ [MULTIVERSE NAME] ➡️ [UNIVERSE NAME] ➡️ [SPECIFIC AREA] ➡️ [ITEMS LIST] list and given every time a small choice is made something new is added it's pretty hard to find exactly what you're looking for especially if your searching for one specific item. I have the ERASE button so it can locate the exact strand of code I want to delete, my strings actually have a similar function. But the point is it takes a pretty long time to find a specific item's code then go into it and delete only what I want gone something I'm frankly too lazy to do" Error attempted to explain "it would help if the deitys actually tried to organise stuff more though, it's especially hard when you consider just how much falls under one of those categories alone!"

By the time Error finished her rant she realised a lot of what she said might be pretty hard to understand... eh, that'd future hers problem! She walked back to the room where the rest of the gang was and sat back in her seat ready to finally get this movie done with and hopefully add a few more AUs to her kill count for the day after. Fun fact: did you know that Error can actually create things like Ink can?

Sometimes after a spree Error collects scrap code from the destroyed AUs and drops it off in the anti-void to create small objects if she has the right words and letters to form the basic code of what she needs. It helpful for when she runs out of materials when making something and can't be bothered to go out and buy more.

Another fact, did you know must deitys have parts of their body made entirely from magic? That's why some glow and others don't because some have more magic making up their physical form then others. Some deitys are even created as a byproduct of another deity being thrown out their position or passing on! On that topic, FATE and DESTINY are sisters since their creation was a direct result of FUTURE loosing their deity title and having a small amount of their magic put into the new deitys who decided the future of their creations.

FORESIGHT is actually FATE AND DESTINY's uncle on the topic of deity relations seeing as they were FUTURE's Brother. Wow, Error had never realised how complex deitys were until she actually thought about everything she had learned about them... she seriously feels like she's teaching a class or something! A class on forbidden deity knowledge.

Error snorted at the thought of teaching a class about forbidden deity knowledge knowing that KARMA would freak out if she did that. But it is pretty nice messing with the omnipotent bird man as FATE likes to call him.

Error focused on the screen somehow remaining pleasantly unaware of Killer slipping out the his seat and the entire building not that long into the movie.


'How the heck does she fall asleep during a horror movie?' Nightmare thought staring at Error who sat on the seat just to his right, she was sleeping quietly on the velvet seat without even the smallest sign of discomfort. It was nice to see her so calm even if it was just because she was asleep and not because of her feeling safe which was for some reason a rare occurrence.

Error always seemed to have this feeling of anxiety following her wherever she went, while yes it made it easier to talk to her since the positivity was drowned out by the anxiety it still unsettled him and even worse made him worry more then usual. Nightmare lifted a tentacle and rested it on errors skull, she flinched away from the touch at first but soon settled into it. He smiled and gently stroken Error's skull as he went back to watching the movie

'cute' He thought resting his head in his free hand. He had to admit that Error was amazing to be around. She was perfect in nightmare's opinion, Error was strong, cheerful, motivational and determined four traits nightmare never expected to fit together yet here they were in Error. To put it simply, he loved her and he knew it.

Wow, he was really getting soft wasn't he? He was ment to be the king of negativity and Nightmares yet here he was falling for a random sans he had met barely a week ago. Though... every King has a Queen don't they? Nightmare smiled at that thought and moved his tentacle from stroking Error's skull to going idle behind him again... wait a moment...

Nightmare turned his head looking at where the others in the gang had their seats realising what Killer was doing and not very surprisingly said skeleton was absent. He snarled and went to look for Killer not caring if he ruined the movie for anyone in the slightest.

It didn't take too long to find Killer since he was literally just outside the building arguing with someone over his phone, nightmare melted into the shadows and reappeared beside Killer without a sound until he eventually spoke up

"Killer" Nightmare growled wrapping a tentacle around Killer's arm to stop him from even thinking about running "You didn't happen to have set me and Error up on a date with neither of us knowing did you? Because it's really hard to get blood and dust off my tentacles and I wouldn't want to have to clean them" Killer tensed and Nightmare could already see him thinking of lies to get out the situation "Don't even think about lying"

"... c-can you blame me? Theres no denying that you two look cute together" Killer muttered under his breath likely hoping nightmare wouldn't hear so he couldn't acuse him of lying which he had no intention of doing. Nightmare let go of Killer and spun him around to look at him

"Correction, we are more then cute we're freaking adorable" Nightmare spoke soon feeling confusion come off Killer with the smallest amount of excitment and amusement coming soon after before taking full control over his mind

"So you aren't mad? You actually like Error!? This is probably the happiest I've been this month!" Killer cheered

"No I'm still mad you tried to set us up without us knowing, just thinking of the most suitable punishment which I already have in mind" Nightmare answered with a smirk, Killer's eyes widened slightly at that "Hand over your credit card"


"Why are we buying apples again?" Killer asked still not sure why nightmare was using his credit card to buy apples of all things let alone so many, Killer had no idea how he was ment to explain the sudden decrease in his account since realistically who would believe that nightmare took his credit card and used it to buy 500 bags of 6 apples?

"Do I really need to give you a lesson on Greek mythology again?" Nightmare asked shaking his head in disapproval as he put the last few bags into a small pocket universe he used to store items special to him or generally wanted to keep hidden "Well the apple is considered to be sacred to aphrodite because it was symbolic of a story where an apple went to the most beautiful of three goddesses in which she was chosen to get it, Therefore to throw an apple at someone is symbolic as a declaration of love and catching that apple was a sign of accepting that love. Since apples in general are important to Dreamtale its how me and dream prefer to ask people out"

"So your going to throw an apple and ask Error to catch it" Killer said finally understanding what nightmare ment but to end up even more confused when nightmare instead gave hysterical laughter like that was the funniest thing he'd ever heard in his life

"Oh no! I won't. I'll just chuck them at her and wait till she eventually catches one to explain what it ment"

"Wait wha-"

Alright! yall know the drill, voices here!

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