CHAPTER 6 💛 Blue Is The Best Colour

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The Universe was quiet for once, a calmimg silence filling the dark halls of the castle signalling that all its enhabitants had went to sleep. Well, all but everyone's favourite destroyer that is who was staring at the ceiling in her new room unsure why she wasn't able to sleep. It was midnight or at least close to it based off how long Error had been counting in her head for, she pushed the blankets off her and stood up her feet hitting the cold wooden floor.

She walked across the room to the wardrobe and took out a lazily out together oufit she had made after getting all her stuff moved into the castle. It was just an oversized black hoodie with red sleeves and hood seperated from the rest of it by carefully sown blue stiching as well as red cat ears being sown onto the hood, she had loose red shorts as well as yellow slippers as well but that stuff wasn't as notable as the hoodie which was covering most her small body.

On her way out the room she grabbed her scarf off a chair she had placed beside the door for no reason other then to grab her scarf on the way out and wrapped it around her neck opening a portal to her Stargazing spot in outertale but not yet stepping through. She searched the drawers until she found her necklace and slid it under the scarf like she usually wore it then entering her portal.

Error slid her hands into the yellow pockets that had been sown onto the hoodie with blue none-magic string and went down the same path she had on the first day, when she first woke up except now she knew precisely where she was going. She loved seeing the beautiful mix of purples, greens, blues and pinks in the sky dancing around the black canvas behind it heck, even now she was still spotting new patterns in the sky despite having come here several times in the past.

"Hello Error" A low voice went their tone soft and welcoming to the glitch, Error smiled recognising LOVE instantly

"Hello LOVE!" She cheered a small amount of violet-pink magic swirling around the yang side of her necklace as she talked to the deity. LOVE was like a mother to Error, they were kind and always there to help whenever something happened. She could remember when she had her first breakdown after a frisk reset their AU halfway through the destruction meaning she had failed and LOVE came not too long after to comfort Error. It was cruel in Error's opinion that LOVE had to be spelled in the same way as the acronym for Level Of ViolencE was since they were clearly quite the opposite!

"What are you doing up so late? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" LOVE asked

"I couldn't sleep and Outertale is really pretty so I thought I could come here to pass the time, is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong just curious" LOVE assured the magic in Error's necklace swirling around to include a small amount of pale purple which ment SOUL was joining the conversation

"Heya!" SOUL greeted in their usual optimistic layed back voice "we got some voices who wanna talk to Error, sorry to cut this short"

"Oh, well goodbye Error, have a wonderful rest of your day or rather night" LOVE said before the violet-pink magic left alongside the light purple magic. Error huffed slightly wanting to talk to LOVE for a bit longer but ready to talk ro the... voices? Wow, she really needs to think of a name for those things

"What's your impression on the star sanses even if you haven't met them yet? Just by reputation, do you think they're helping or harming the multiverse by doing their part in the balance?"

"Oh hey! I remember your voice random voice! Anyway as for the star sanses, Ink is an idiot who can't tell that his creations suffer from everything he's doing and deciding. Like seriously! He made AUs where the sanses suffer from insanity, starvation, Possession, Abuse and a whole lot more! Then he has the nerve to over create putting those creations lives on the line" Error ranted with a pout following after she finished "as for dream and blue they're okay, they fulfil their role in the balance without pushing it and sometimes even get ink to slow down with his creation sprees"

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