CHAPTER 8 💛 Hate, Confusion, Guilt

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Error yawned, she pushed the covers off her and rubbed her sockets scanning the room around her slightly confused. All she could remember was helping nightmare then everything was black afterwards... probably not too important if she can't remember. She pushed herself out of bed and walked towards the wardrobe figuring she'd wear the dress she showed blue when they first met... hold on... Error paused holding a hand to the skeleton equivalent of a nose trying to remember what exactly happened the other day, everything was made of blurry randomly pieced together memories... hopefully it's not that important.

She put the dress on spending her time to make sure everything looked good then slid her necklace and scarf on over it. She did a few poses in front of a mirror to check everything and satisfied with how she looked walked out her room instantly being met with a sight she wasn't expecting. Dust Horror Cross and Killer were crowded not too far away from Error's room staring at a phone, she could see a mix of emotions on their faces but confusion as well as amusement seemed to be the most prominent.

"Whatcha all looking at?" She asked walking towards the five and trying to get a look at the screen, Cross spun around pushing the phone back to killer who hid it in his jacket so rushed that it was surprising the thing didn't fall on the floor and crack the screen.

"N-nothing!" Cross stuttered glaring daggers at Killer just making Error more curious

"So you were just looking at a blank screen? I heavily doubt that for some reason" Error replied getting a plan, she loosened the sting wrapped around her right arm and hid it behind her back making them the same black as the rug across the floor

"Just looking at cat videos! Cross just figured you wouldn't like cats!" Horror cut in. Killer hit him in the shoulder while muttering something that error couldn't hear but was clear to make out the topic of

"Sure... its not like I have four pet cats... tell me what you were looking at" Error asked again her eyes narrowing at the small group, the strings eched closer slowly lifting up behind Killer

"I just wanted to show them something" Killer interrupted "I didn't know you were here so I didn't try to show you" just a bit closer...

"Then why don't you show me now?" Error asked, Killer seemed to freeze for a moment but not from not knowing how to respond. Rather from the now glowing blue strings wrapped around his target soul, error adjusted her grip on the strings puppeteering Killer to hand her the phone which by some miracle was still open and open on the pictures app.

Error snatched the phone pulling herself up on a makeshift hammock at just the right hight so nobody could stop her from seeing what was so intriguing to them. She paused at the picture she saw

 She paused at the picture she saw

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(Above picture by me ⬆️)

Error just stared at what she saw for a few minutes just processing what was infront of her, she wasn't sure when this happened but she couldn't see any signs of photoshop anywhere which only got even more confusing when she noticed another detail.

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