CHAPTER 11 💛 Apples

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"Error hurry Catch it!" A voice went not giving Error time to think about what they were saying

"wh- AGH!" Error yelled cluching her skull where an apple of all things had been thrown full force at her, she spun around only to see nightmare of all people dissolving into the floor with a grin "YOU FILTHY OCTOPUS!" She yelled tossing strings at where nightmare used to be

"Catch the apple. No matter what. okay bye have a good day!" Anonymous said right after the apple had been thrown making Error even more mad

"Oh thanks! thanks for telling me an apple was going to be thrown at my skull AFTER it was thrown! thank goodness You were there to warn me AFTER it was thrown! My SAVIORS!" She screeched in pure anger "I swear if that overgrown fried calamari has the nerve to show up again I will beat some sence into him! I did it once I can definitely do it again!"


Error sat by the cliffside of outertale admiring the view that seemed to get even more beautiful every time she came to stargaze here, it was just so amazing and the one place she knew she could left alo-

"AGH!" She screeched grabbing her skull and looking at nightmare who had somehow hidden behind a tree on her left, he was slipped into a portal behind him when he saw Error turning to face him with both hands gripping where the apple had been thrown at her

"THAT IS THE SEVENTH TIME THIS WEEK!" Error yelled jumping up a safe distance away from the ledge she was sitting by and teleporting to the mansion not so long after. Ivy was sat on crosses shoulder as he strocked the ragdoll, error smiled seeing the two 'scar buddies' as cross called them sitting peacefully for once before bolting to Nightmare's office.


Error grabbed Blue's soul with her strings throwing him against the cracked purple walls of the ruins, she signed a quick sorry before creating several orange and blue bones all pointed at him. He was too late to dodge and hissed when the bones dug through his bones but ultimately signed back that it was oka-

"AHH!" Error yelled grabbing her skull where she expected there to be a mark from a bone but instead saw a ripe bright red apple laying on the ground beside her, her eyes snapped towards nightmare who had a single tentacle pointed in her direction retracting back to face dream like the rest of his tentacles. She saw Dream's eyes swap out for stars but shook it off and yelled across the battle field at the person who was ment to be fighting with her and not against her "NIGHTMARE! WE ARE IN THE MIDDLD OF A FREAKING FIGHT! DON'T THROW THOSE STUPID FRUITS AT ME!"

"Don't want to be hit then just catch them" Nightmare answered rolling his Teal eyelight then going back to fighting dream who seemed even happier then ever for some reason Error couldn't think of

"I CAN'T CATCH SOMETHING I DON'T EVEN KNOWS COMMING!" Error yelled back giving a huff and portaling away before nightmare could say anything else.


"So you're telling me he keeps throwing apples at you for no reason?" Cross asked skeptically, Error nodded an annoyed frown across her face as she waited for another apple to be thrown. She knew nightmare wasn't done since he'd been doing it for two weeks straight no matter how much she told him to stop and it got even more irritating every time it happened

"Yes, it's really annoying and I want it to just end but that stupid black octopus won't leave me alone!"

"I may or may not know what he's doing but with nightmare it's better to just wait till you do what he told you to when he threw the first apple" Cross advised before turning the corner and going to his own room the next corridor over. Error sighed but went to the kitchen intending to take some of Horror's chicken to give to amber-

"HA!" Error cheered pulling her hand down holding the apple nightmare had thrown "there! I caught it! Now would you just tell me what the heck you want!?" Nightmare stared at the apple for a few seconds his arms crossed before a smirk slid up his face

"I assume you don't know what throwing and catching an apple is symbolic of?" He asked his eyelight practically gleaming with... an emotion. Error froze reluctantly shaking her head not liking where this was going one bit "Well then! Let me tell you my sweet little rue, throwing an apple at someone is practically the same as telling them 'I love you' and catching that apple is saying you recognise and return that love"

"HUH!?" Error squeaked bright yellow blush tinting her cheeks, nightmare walked forward and took the hand which Error held the apple in and placed his other hand on her waist swapping his smirk for a more friendly and gentle smile.

"So, did you mean what you said when you caught that apple like I ment it when I threw it?"

"There's better ways to ask then hitting me on the head with an apple for two months straight, idiot" Error muttered "but I guess I do even if I didn't even know what it ment and though you were throwing apples at me for the sake of it"

"To be honest that does sound like something I would do" Nightmare admitted with a light chuckle after, he tossed the apple aside and lifting Error's cheek with one hand resting the other on her waist. She rolled her eyes but placed her hands on nightmare chest as they shared a soft but passionate kiss.

There! Sorry this chapter has less words then usual but I'll try to make up for it in the next few chapters, voices here as usual.

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