CHAPTER 9 💛 Killer's Plan

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Killer gave a mischievous chuckle staring at the words written across the chalk board he had stolen from an AU to make this scene look cooler with the words "Operation Errormare" written on the top and several bullet points sprawled across the space beneath it. He had a plan and he would make sure it worked no matter what! Sure the name was lazy and all it would take to see what he was doing would be to walk into his room but those things didn't matter.

"Mrow?" Killer spun around his eyes settling on the familiar tabby fur of Hail, the youngest of error cats if Killer was remembering correctly. He walked over to the small kitten and scooped them up in his hands smiling at the cute thing who had wandered into his room

"What are you doing here?" He asked as if expecting to get an actual response setting Hail on his bed afterwards, they curled up on the blankets wrapping their tail around their paws legs and eyes focused on the chalk board "what? You want to know the plan?" Hail blinked at the bored "I'll take that as a yes!"

Killer ran to the side of the board grabbing a steel pointer and using it to walk the cat who likely didn't understand anything he was saying through the plan "First off, this is Operation Errormare! My plan on how to get Error, your owner, and Nightmare, my boss, together! Like seriously, those two are so cute together and I can't stand knowing they aren't a thing yet which is VERY annoying"

"Mrow" Hail went as if telling Killer to continue explaining the plan and saying that they totally agreed with him... alright, maybe that last part was just Killer hoping but doesn't change the fact that it's true!

"Right! Back to the plan! So I'm going to talk to core!frisk and try convince them to let me and the gang go to the entertainment and relaxation sector of the Omega timeline for a few hours and get Error and Nightmare to go there" Killer continued "We're going to make it a really good day for the two and make sure nothing goes wrong whatsoever... I can only hope I didn't just jinx myself there!"


One week and five days, it took one week and five days for this to happen, it took one week and five days for Error to get tangled in her own strings. She was just trying to grab something while sitting on her strings and had somehow tripped in the process causing her to be thrown between several web layers she had made to keep the determination souls preserved in the anti-void. So here she was, hanging by her own strings midair in an incredibly uncomfortable position. Annoying at least, infuriating at best.

"Heeeeeelllllllpppppppppp" Error cried despite nobody being in the anti-void at the moment "Heeeeeelllllllpppppppppp" is this what all those AU residents felt like when she used them as Puppets? Damn, it almost made her not want to do the puppeteering act anymore. Almost.

"Errrrrrrroooorrrrr!" A familiar voice called, Error's head snapped up seeing a skeleton who would help her for sure: Killer "Error? Whe-"

"KILLER! help me!" Error pleaded wincing slightly when the sharp strings around her arms dug into the bone 'definitely gonna need to get that healed'

"Where are you!?" Killer asked looking around the endless white space

"Up here! Now hurry up and get me down!" Error screeched not wanting to be like that for any longer then she should be which was not longer then a second

"Up whe- oh... how the heck did that happen?" Killer asked finally spotting Error

"I don't know now just hurry up and get me down already! I can't do anything if I'm hanging from my strings all day!" Killer just looked at error for a few seconds then took out his phone and snapped a picture of the scene "WHAT THE HECK!?"

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