CHAPTER 3 💛 Calm Before The Storm

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Picture by me!


"AGH! this is too hard!" Error yelled through a pout throwing the knitting needles on the white floor of the Anti-Void and storming off to where she kept all the fabric, she knelt down beside a few baskets rummaging through them to try find a new roll of string preferably dark blue, cerulean or heck even cyan would work. Error had seen some monsters from an AU called StringTale make Puppets before and though it would be fun to try doing it herself not realising how unprepared she was, she searched the multiverse for something to make a puppet of and eventually settled on one of her favorite sanses who she would die to talk face to face with: Blue from UnderSwap.

Yet for some reason, she didn't have enough yarn of the right shade for the puppet which very annoyingly had to be blue which was the one colour the sans was literally named after! Easy to understand why the godess with the attention span of a squirrel and temper of a child got mad at not having the exact shade she needed. With a sigh, she lifted a hand creating a portal into Overtale one of the few AUs where monsters were on the surface. Error liked overtale since it was not attacked by other AUs or Nightmare's gang often due to having weaker monsters inside it and being too positive for nightmare to enter, it ment she was usually safe to roam around it.

She stepped into the portal pulling her hood up and skipping through the streets to a shop she went to whenever she was picking up her fabrics or materials for her various creations (which usually ended up being scarves, gloves and other things like that). She pushed the door open greeting a Deer like monster, they were a male with soft brown fur covered in dark brown spots with emerald green eyes and beige antlers on their head decorated with blue and gold stripes across their surface. He wore a basic green turtle neck with light grey jeans and black boots as well as a flower crown made of green and gold flowers.

"Heya Orchard!" Error greeted happily her face covered in shadows, the deer turned to face the small glitchy skeleton (yes, error is a small gal don't judge her) and gave a smile reaching under the counter to pull a basket out from under it

"Heya Error, Whatcha looking for today?" The deer asked, error took the basket from the table pulling out several types of blue fabric, string and yarn

"just these should do, trying out Puppets today and somehow didn't realise I didn't have enough yarn" Error explained eyeing some black and white buttons from the side "can I take some of those as well?"

"Perfectly fine! as long as you have the gold, seriously though its like you can create gold from air or something" Orchard said grabbing a smaller bag from across the counter and setting the materials inside it before passing them over to error who then gave the right amount of gold to the monster.

"Thankssssss!" Error said running out the store while waving behind her. She originally intended to get straight back to making the puppet but something caught her eye before she got to her usual portal opening spot, a large crowd had gathered around an oddly specific area in a nearby park. She couldn't help but wonder what it was all the monsters were looking at.

Carefully, she slid into the crowd making her way between several people blocking her view from the center of it all until she was eventually at the very front. At the center of the crowd was an oddly beaten box with what looked like some sort of healers gathered around it saying things error couldn't quite wake out

'What's so special about a random box?' she asked herself confused about the sight... but the she heard something, a small weak meow to be exact...

Error's eyes widened after hearing that, she was both furious and incredibly concerned afterall who wouldent be? There was a cat in a beaten box and that was all someone would need to know to understand the feline inside was hurt and something you need to know about error is she is likely one of if not the biggest cat person in the multiverse.

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