CHAPTER 5 💛 Mildy Annoying Allies

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It had only been an hour since Error joined nightmare's gang and she was already doubting her decision, afterall if she was working with nightmare now and had to keep the balance then what would she do when it came to destroying positive or negative AUs? She sighed and pulled her legs to her chest carefully threading the red yarn through the end of the needle while her strings held the puppet she was working on up, currently she was I her new room in nightmare's Castle

"Hello Error" A voice went, Error looked up placing the puppet she was working on to the side, she recognised the voice as SPACE and had recently began talking to them more so it wasn't very surprising that they had decided to drop in the the small glitch

"Heya SPACE! How's your day going?" Error greeted using her strings to put cotton on the end of the needle so she didn't accidentally prick herself with it while she was talking to SPACE

"Fine over here, just saying I have some friends from the other side of the fourth wall who want to talk you you" SPACE replied, Error stared confused by what SPACE had just said "and before you ask, the fourth wall is basically a thing that seperates us deitys and monsters from the people on the othersode where their reality is a lot different. let's just say you have some fans, ALRIGHT GUYS SHES READY!"

"Hey Error do you find it weird that you're the only female skeleton?" An unfamiliar voice asked

"Alright I guess this I happening now! Well I do wish there were more female skeletons but not really afterall most the skeletons here are based off or got inspiration from the original sans who was a male so it makes a bit of sence to me especially when you consider I was created as an outcode unlike every other skeleton I know of in existence" Error answered picking the puppet up again to finish the last details on, it was a geno and she was just stitching the scar over the torso

"soooo Error what do you think of Nightmare so far?" Another voice asked

"Nightmare..." Error cut the red string and wrapped some of her strings around the puppet attaching it to the ceiling like the other Puppets she'd finished up to this point "Well... He's intresting, that the best way I can think of describing him off my head. he cares about the gang but he's afraid to show it since he doesn't want people to use or harm them in order to get to him, he seems to be doing what he does since he doesn't believe others deserve happiness because of how his AU treated him. Its easy to understand why he gets attached to people who were hurt back in their AU or were treated wrong by the rest of the multiverse"

Error thought for a bit before smiling and adding the last part of her answer "he may seem cold to others but it's easy to see him as an inspiration when you learn more about the guy, So to put it simply I think he's okay"

Error pushed herself off the bed and opened the door deciding to learn the layout of the place better-

"Come on! tell me who it is!" An oddly cheerful voice rang from behind the corner, Error paused silently closing the door behind her and moving to peer around the corner not taking too long to recognise who was talking: Killer and Nightmare.

"Would you shut up!? if you want to know who it is so bad then go look yourself!" Nightmare snapped gritting his teeth and tentacles low to the ground twitching in agitation

"but why would I do that when you can just tell meeeeeeeeeee!" Killer whined in an over dramatic tone. Error was confused to say the least, were they talking about her? she sighed and stepped forward nightmare being the first to notice her as Killer was still begging while facing the opposite way

"what the heck is happening here?" she snapped stopping just a bit behind Killer with her arms crossed. Killer jumped facing Error in a defensive position with knife in hand, nightmare slapped Killer's skull with a tentacle

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