EPILOGUE 💛 Reality Isn't avoidable

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"Hey Error!" Nightmare called looking over at Error who was playing uno with Killer, Horror, Cross and... is that one of her cats? He shook it off chalking it up to Error being Error and inviting her cat that couldn't even hold the cards to play uno. He raised a hand showing a chocolate bar, a very specific kind He knew Error loved "Look what I got~"

"What is it no-" Error paused mid sentence her eyes turning into two stars at the sight of the chocolate, nightmare tossed it over to her and she happily ate the entire thing causing dust to jump back somehow horrified by her tounges which nightmare thought were just so cute especially when Error just blanked out and stared at the ceiling with the tips of all five just hanging out her mouth.

"What?" Nightmare said faking a sad undertone which made Error just stared at him the confusion clear on her face "Awwww, I thought you were going to share the taste" Error's face turned a bright yellow

"Idiot" she muttered before standing up and walking over to nightmare, he smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck and they gave a passionate kiss.

After pulling away Error went back to playing uno but nightmare just wiped his 'lips' with his jacket sleeve and gave a content hum then adding his own comment

"Tastes just as amazing as last time I did this trick"


"Nigggghhhhhtttttt!" Error groaned trying to get out her boyfriends tentacles "I need to do my job!"

"No you don't" he purred only pulling error closer while he sat on the throne fully aware that the murder time trio were spying, incredibly badly may he add, on them "You're job can wait until I'm done cuddling with you"

"NIGHT!" She cried louder "I do though! If I don't the multiverse will collapse because of that Ink blob and There won't be anything for you to rule over now will there?"

"Meh, the multiverse can die for all I care"

"NIGHT!" Error yelled, nightmare huffed but reluctantly pulled his tentacles back watching begrudgingly as Error fled to go to the next AU. He smirked then followed after her decided it would be best for both the multiverse's biggest threats to be in one spot at the same time so none of the stars try do anything that would result in Error breaking a bone or two.


"And those are the ursa major and ursa minor constellations" Error exclaimed running her finger between the stars to form the outline of said formations, nightmare was sitting on her left listening as she pointed out the different constellations she could see. It was easy to understand why Error liked this place so much, first off the emotion balance throughout this universe was at a perfect equilibrium meaning it was one of the few places nightmare didn't feel sick or over excited in. Second off, the place had great scenery that only helped the emotions in this place and it was arguably one of the most beautiful AUs at that.

"I can see why you like this place so much" Nightmare said looking closer at Error before raising a tentacle to pull her up with him "how about we go destroy an AU or two?"

"Yes! That sounds amazing! Plus I haven't seen you fight much over the few months I've been awake" Error replied spinning around to walk into the main map only making nightmare question something more with what she said

"Say, you always refer to yourself as 'waking up' or 'awoken' and I'm just curious about why exactly you do that" He asked spreading his negative aura to try force more negativity out the residents of the current AU

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