Chapter Six

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It's been a week since that game day and using a pitchfork I was hulling new hay into the back of the barn. 

"Who knew hay was heavy," I complained as I wiped my brow and turned to the floor between the stables and the front doors. The girls were playing marbles, each taking turns shooting the large glass ball and trying to knock out the small glass balls out of the large chalk ring.

Since that first day we made great strides in getting to each other. Now they weren't as nervous around me while I no longer felt uncomfortable by their constant display of affection.

I smiled, watching the girls have fun. Just then I noticed something odd, my eyes trailed down their bodies until I came to the bump of their backside. Their butts look bigger. I turned to Laa as she was laying on her stomach with her butt in the air as she lined up her shot. I raised an eyebrow.

I then turned to the rest of the girls and analyzed them. To my amazement they all no longer looked sickly thin. Don't get me wrong, they were still stick thin but now I couldn't see their rib cages anymore. 

I then took notice that they were all eating. I turned to the heap of hay and began to think. I recalled from my limited research that anthropomorphic sheep can absorb more nutrients than the normal sheep. Originally I thought that they didn't need to eat as much but now I'm not quite so sure. 

I turned back to the flock and was taken aback by the sudden presence of Daa standing right next to me. She always had a way of sneaking up on me.

"What are you looking at?" She questioned me, always sounding like she didn't care. I was still getting used to her dry demeanor while knowing that she was actually curious. 

She also had a weird way of interpreting my emotions. 

"Nothing, just noticing something," I said innocently. I took a quick look at Daa, confirming my suspicion. She looked healthier and fuller. She even began to develop a pair of breasts, although it was still not very noticeable. 

"What are you thinking?"

"It's not important," I tried to avoid such an awkward question by turning back to the hay pile. She really has no sense of boundaries. 


The rest of the day was me meandering about my home, doing small chores or relaxing in front of my large TV. Occasionally my thoughts would wander back to my observation of the girls' bodies. It was surprising how much they grew in the course of a week. 

My talks with my Aunt's lawyer yield no more information than my simple internet search. Again, my dear dead Aunt had made some conditions, something to do with allowing me to experience the joys of discovery on my own, exhilarating.

With a sigh I turned off the TV and slumped into the couch. It was getting late and I needed to get up early to receive some supplies for me and the girls. Groaning, I sluggishly lifted myself up and headed to my bedroom.


The morning light moved across the covers and I shifted a little under the warm blankets. I slept like a rock and was surprisingly well rested. With a satisfying stretch I removed my covers.

Immediately I yelped and tumbled out of my bed onto the wooden doors with a thud. Rubbing my back I sat up and looked at my bed. Near where I was sleeping was Daa, sleeping cozily under the warm blanket. 

"Daa?! What are you doing in my bed?!" I commanded angrily. 

Daa slowly shifted as she turned onto her chest before raising herself up by elbows, her wooly hair falling over her eyes blinking them open. "Sleeping," she answered groggily. 

I wanted to slap my face so hard that I'd push my face into my skull.

"Why are you in my bed," I repeat grumbling. 

"I wanted to sleep with you. I like you." She said as if it was normal to sneak into someone's bed.

"How did you get inside," I changed the subject. 

"I went through your back door. You have a nice lake."

Of course, I forgot that I had a back door. I groaned before getting up to my feet.

"You should not be here." I pinched the bridge of my nose. 


It's too early for this. "Because this is my house and you have yours."

"Why can't we share?"

There were a great deal of reasons why a little girl looking sheep shouldn't sleep with a grown man but I was not in the mood to explain things. "Just, just get out of my bed." I grumbled. 

Without any more questions she jumped up out of the covers and hopped off the bed. She then lightly pranced out of the room with a strange happy spring in her step. 


I stared dumbfoundedly at the black sheep sitting at the long table. But more than that, all five of my sheep were sitting at the table.

"What are you all doing here, and how did you all escape?!"

"The wooden door is not hard to unlock," answered Shaa.

"And we want to see where you live," added Baa and Faa

"And we wanted to eat with you," Laa said shyly. 

I turned to Daa.

"I let them in," she said unashamedly.

I looked at the sheep, as they looked at me with pleading eyes. My head dropped as I deflated, I really couldn't bother to fight back this morning. "Fine, but only for this morning."

"Yay," they all cheered in their respective tones.

Once inside the kitchen with the biggest pan I can find I whip up every egg I had, chopped up a dozen green peppers, grated a couple of blocks of cheese, diced up a whole leg of pork and put it all in to make a fine omelet. Even vegetarian animals eat meat on occasion. 

When all was done I gave each one a plate with a large helping of scrambled eggs. Before I could even get to my seat they were already eating. I smiled as I watched them enjoy my cooking. I guess this is what it is like to have a family. 

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