Chapter Fifteen

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It was early morning as I stepped out of the cabin and headed to the barn. This morning was strangely less chaotic. Those harpies were more quiet than usual, barely seeing any of them. Something in my gut says something was wrong but I don't think much about it. Besides, I was going to hangout with a much better company. I unlatched the barn door and opened it just a crack, just enough to let me squeeze through. 

Immediately a hoof reached out to me and I was snatched up into the air by one of the sheep. Now normally this sometimes happens but today something felt off, it felt rough and aggressive.

“Oh, Shaa, it's good-” I started to say before I was yanked violently away from the door to the back of the barn, my feet dangling above the ground. Before I could question what was going on she strongly threw me into the pile of hay. 

“Shaa what's the meaning of this?” I asked, looking up at the imposing plump sheep girl. 

Standing in front of me, her hooves on her hips, looking down at me like a predator who just cornered her prey. Shaa was wearing her latest attire, a red and white plaid shirt with short shorts (her legs now too thick for regular plants). Her thicker body strained the fabric as she was due a wardrobe upgrade. But it wasn't her clothes that concerned me, it was her scowl. I knew Shaa was more assertive than the other sheep but this was more sinister, it felt unnatural and unpleasant to look at.

“Shaa what gotten-,”

“Shut up!” Shaa commanded. I immediately closed my mouth and looked a little frightened at the large sheep. “Today we are doing what we want, Small Fry!”

“Small Fry?” I shifted my eyebrows. They never called me that before. Then from behind Shaa the other sheep presented themselves. 

Each girl was wearing their usual clothes, albeit a bit bigger. Baa and Faa were wearing their matching yellow sundress, Laa's red polkadot dress with a large white apron, and Daa's simple white button blouse and black pencil skirt. But what stood out the most was their faces, each similar to Shaa but in their own twisted way. Baa and Faa have almost a belittling look in their eyes with a bit of absent mindedness. Laa looked sweaty like there were two people inside fighting for control as she gave me an unsettling smile. And then there's Daa, she still looked the same except her eyes leered at me with a dead ice cold stare. Something was definitely wrong here.

“Girls I - ,” I started again but was quickly silenced by Laa of all sheep. She pushed herself to the front of the group, putting her hoof over my mouth and pressed her large soft body on mine. It didn't occur to me until now how big and heavy the sheep has gotten as her large breasts pressed up into my chest and lower chin.

“Master, we had decided to take matters into our hooves,” Laa commanded, her voice a shaky mix of confidence and nervousness as she moved her other hoof down, gliding over my body, “s-so, b-be a good boy and we'll treat you right.” She then grabbed my crotch as I felt violated. “Or bad things will happen to you.”

I could only muffle as I felt a sense of fear. These weren't my sheep, something must have happened last night.

It was now Daa's turn with me as she pushed aside Laa and picked me up. I was horrified by Daa's treatment of her sister. 

“Daa! That's no way - ,” again I was quickly silenced, the large black sheep glared at me with her icy cold eyes. She then power walked through the rest of her sisters and marched herself to her pen and threw me into the haystack that she used as a bed. At this point I was petrified with fear, my mind racing trying to figure out why my sweet sheep seemed like aggressive, pushy, bitches.

“Master,” Daa spoke, her voice chilling the room by several degrees, “l want you.” Well, at least her bluntness was still the same. She then used her hoof and stepped on my chest, her chunky legs jiggling as I saw between her legs, still having no concept of underwear. 

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