Chapter Eight

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I took a deep breath through my nose and exhaled heavily. I don't know how but either there must be some place in this house that I'm not locking, these girls are master lockpicks, or the locks are not as strong as I thought, but whatever way they got into my house, I had five sheep sleep in my bed. 

When I first opened my eyes the first one I saw was Daa, draping her fluffy arm over my chest, hugging me. Laa was on the other side of me also hugging my chest as her head laid on the pillow. Baa and Faa were each hugging an arm with their heads laying on my shoulders. And finally Shaa was directly on top of me, her head lay under my chin cupping her small hand over my unshaven cheek.

I took another deep breath and got ready to get up. First I needed to break free of Baa and Faa tight hold of my arms. Rotating one arm at a time I squeezed out of my bindings until they were finally fully free. Quickly I pulled off my blanket and everybody flinched from the sudden cool morning air but nobody stirred. I tried to sit up but the girls refused to let go of me, keeping me pinned to my bed. Again I tried to pull myself up as all the girls groaned, their grip getting stronger. For tiny women they were quite strong, at least collectively. On my third attempt I was finally able to break free of Daa, Laa, and Shaa grapple on my body as Shaa slid to my side. To my surprise every one of them was still asleep, or at least appeared asleep. Either way I was out of my bed. Stretching, I hobbled into my bathroom and got ready for the day. 

I decided to leave the girls in the bed as I searched around the house for their entrance way. I checked every window and door to find anything unlocked or broken but to my dismay I found nothing. I stood in my living room looking around puzzled. That's when I hear the clopping of hoofs on the wooden floor above me. Turning up to the balcony above me I saw all five of the girls looking over the wooden rails down at me. They looked tired as they rubbed their eyes and yawned.

"Why aren't you in bed," Shaa said sternly, as if it was normal for them to sleep with me.

"How did you get in my house last night?" I said furring my eyebrows. 

"We have the key to the house," Daa said bluntly.

I didn't say anything, just stared at them confusedly. 

"Yea the old man before told us to use it if we feel insecure," said Baa And Faa simultaneously.

"Old man?" I said before I became dumbfounded. "The lawyer!" 

I am beginning to question this whole inheritance thing. Why would he give some anthropomorphic sheep keys to my house? What was my Aunt's plan? Was it the money or the sheep? Before I could recover from my confusion the girls scattered to different parts of the house. I tried to stop them but I huffed in defeat, slumping my shoulders. I then pulled myself to the couch and plopped myself down, head hanging over the top. Despite just waking up I was too tired for all of this. That's when I heard some banging coming from the kitchen. I groaned, slapping my eyes, refusing to get up.

It was about 20 minutes later by the time I opened my eyes. Before me was Laa and she was holding a tray that was too small for her to hold,  her arms shaking. On the tray was an assortment of food and drinks. With what looks like scrambled eggs on a large plate, a cup of milk, a cup of orange juice, a cup of water, and a bowl of grapes and limes at the corner. 

I could see she was straining herself trying to hold up the heavy tray. Quickly I leaned forward and grabbed hold of the handles and brought it to my lap. I looked over the food, seeing pieces of egg shells and burnt bits. I turned back to Laa as she twirled her left foot on her hoofed toes, her hands behind her back and looking away bashfully. 

"Um, thank you?" I said, not fully knowing what to say. 

"Your welcome," she answered in the softest voice as her cheeks turned red before bolting away. I raised my eyebrow watching her run back to the kitchen. I looked down back at the food and smiled softly. 

"We will get you your clothes," singsonged Baa and Faa. I jumped at the sudden appearance of the two sheep but I didn't have time to say anything as they galloped away to my room. 

"Okay? That was weird," I thought. 

"I'll paint you a portrait," announced Shaa. My head zipped to the other side to see Shaa holding a piece of paper and a box of crayons under her arm. I watched her weirdly as she went to the coffee table and began to immediately draw.

"Tell me what to do," commanded Daa. I darted to my front to see a sturn Daa standing still.


"I'll do anything you want," she said as she put her hand on my knee, rubbing it. Before I could answer the suggestive sheep Baa and Faa came running down the staircase. 

"We have your clothes!" Cheered Baa and Faa. They rammed into Daa and presented a stack of random clothes in both of their hands. Looking at the two I noticed they were wearing some of my clothes, Baa wearing a green plaid button shirt and Faa wearing a gray t-shirt with the random logo on it. It was also very clear how much they were swimming in those shirts. 

"I was here first," Daa bumped back.

"Hey! I can't see his face," yelled Shaa.

"Well we need to dress him!" Baa and Faa pushed back.

"Okay what's going on here?!" I commanded, removing the tray from my lap and onto the couch. They all turned to me looking guilty, except Daa of course. There was a long silence and I was getting impatient. "Well?"

"We saw Laa get you something and we wanted to do something nice too," Shaa said reluctantly.

"Ahhh." They all lowered their heads in shame, except for Daa. "Sigh, don't be ashamed, and don't think you need to repay me for anything."

"It's just… we have never been treated so nicely before," said Daa, "at our old home we weren't giving anything. We all had to sleep on the hard floor together with almost no food. We just want to do something good for our master."

"It felt more like you were competing for my attention," I thought but I gave them a warm smile. "Well, I'm glad you're happy but I really don't need anything, I'm just glad to be here." I was quite surprised I said that. Just over a month ago I would have said this was a huge annoyance but now, well I guess I need this in my life. "But no more surprises and no more sneaking into my bed late at night Okay?"

"Yes master!" They all said in unison, including a whispering Laa who was peaking around the kitchen doorway. 

"Now go do your own thing, I need to relax," I said, sinking into the couch. They all went away, all except Shaa as she went back to her drawing. With a relieved sigh I picked up the tray and placed it on the coffee table. I then picked up my fork and took a piece of egg and put it in my mouth. 


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