Chapter Seven

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Well it turns out one time was not enough for these girls because after several days of begging we began to eat breakfast together once a week, and by month's end we had a good rhythm with playing games, working and just hanging out. Summer was just around the bend and I was starting to like this farmer's life.

It was by this time I noticed some oddities among the girls. It was just like any other morning but this time I decided to record their weights. I should have done this at the beginning to see their progress but better late than never.

"Okay Shaa you're up first," I said, holding a clipboard in my hand and a pen in the other.

Shaa walked up to the scale and stepped on it. I took a quick glance at her body to see how her wool was growing back. Her white fur looks shiny and healthy, much better than when we first met. That's when I saw the first oddity, her height.

I can't put my finger on it but I could swear that she was a couple of inches taller than before. When we first met she didn't stand any taller than just below my chest, now she was at my chest.

Waving it off thinking it was all in my mind I looked down at the scale and saw the red numbers flashing: 65.4. Jotting down the number I recalled my research about human anatomy. Doing the calculation in my head she was at just below a healthy weight. I smiled at our progress. 

Her body had transformed from sticks and bones to a well shaped (if not still underweight) young woman. Her face was more fuller, although still a bit on the bony side. Moving more lower down her chest and butt had seen the most amount of growth. I would give breasts a solid A, becoming a B. Her little rump stuck out by a couple of inches and had a light jiggle to it. I turn to the other girls to see the same amount of growth around their bodies. 

"Okay then, now I like to measure your height," I said, turning back to Shaa. I took out a rolled up soft tape measure and making sure the tip touched the ground I lined it up her back.

"4 foot 2. Hmm," I said out loud. I am now more certain that she did grow. Did their 'absorbing more nutrients thing' also affect their height too?

"Okay, Baa you're up next," I announced after jotting down Shaa's height.

One by one I recorded and measured the girls and I was a little surprised how little they differ from each other. Even their weights were only off by a couple of ounces. I guess they really are sisters, or just generic clones.

When I was finally done the girls wander off to do their own things, leaving me to look over the numbers. I thought about their weight and height and wondered how far it could go. I had so little details on their physiology that I didn't know if this is normal or some weird mutation. 

My mind then turned from growing girls to their growing interests. Ever since the girls started wandering around the house they started to pick up some things that interest them. From the Baa and Faa fascination to the clothes I have, always ruminating through my clothing drawers and cabinets. Laa's interest in books that were scattered around the house, always teaching her about the ABC's and asking me what each word said. Laa's constant nagging me about wanting some drawing tools like crayons. 

And speaking of Daa.

I was then pulled out of my deep thought by a tug on my plaid button shirt. I turn down to see Daa looking at me with her brown rectangle eyes and her expressionless face, framed by her short curly hair.

"What are you thinking about," she asked, repeating the same song and dance whenever I was thinking about anything. I sighed, I have been getting used to her constant curiosity in everything I do, but it still annoys me a bit.

"Just looking at your numbers," I half told the truth. 

"Can I see?"

I raised an eyebrow but gave her the clipboard. She took it using both her hands and took a long look at it. I had picked up some subtle clues about her mannerisms that showed me that she wasn't totally expressionless. Like for right now she had her head tilted indicating that she was confused and that she cocked her hips to her right meant she was intrigued. The newest one I learned was the tapping of her left foot, which meant she was impatient. Not sure if it was with herself or me.

"Teach me," she blurted out, handing me the clipboard. 


"I want to know about numbers."

I put my hand behind my head and began to rub it. "Um, I guess you can start with a calculator." I'm really not good at this teacher thing. Daa tilted her head but said nothing. Knowing that she would want it now I went into my bag and took out a basic calculator and handed it to her. She carefully grabbed hold of the old device and gave a look over.

"I like you," she said before dashing off to a corner of the barn and began typing away. 

A chill ran down my spine as the feeling that I should lock all my doors tonight washed over me. 

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