Chapter Ten

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Its been three months, a quarter of a year since I came to this farm. A quarter of a year with these sheep girls and I'm still not used to it all.

It was a week away from their monthly measurements and standing in between the large barn doors I can clearly see the differences in what a whole month can do. I couldn't stop staring, my little lambs were not little anymore. 

They now looked to be only a couple of inches shorter than me but a couple dozen pounds heavier, with their fluffy wool made them look bigger then what they actually are. The girls were probably close to the 200 pound mark, having a thick pudge all over their taller bodies. Eating hay, the girls were minding their own business as they did their own things.

Baa and Faa were putting on their makeshift dress, a yellow patchwork circle dress. They were squeezing their large chest, probably C to D size now, into their ever undersize dresses. Ever since I introduced the two to sewing they went crazy in making their own clothes. In fact they made clothes for everyone, using my clothes as materials. I really need to get them their own rolls of cloth to work with. 

Laa was reading a book, sitting on top of the large hay pile, in a pink polka-dot dress with a white frilly apron. Despite the dress being made just a couple of days ago, her dress already seemed a bit too small for her ballooning body. Her larger chest and growing belly strain the fabric, bunching up around her newly formed folds.

Shaa was organizing, what and why, I have no idea, she always changes things around every week. In my red plaid shirt and the only one of the girls who was wearing pants (which was a poor choice for her thickening legs) she radiated power, at least for a plump sheep. Her larger chest bounced (clearly having no concept of underwear) as she power walked from barn corner to barn corner. 

Daa was leaning out the window, now tall enough to comfortably peer outside. Wearing my button down white shirt and a shin-high black pencil skirt she was sticking out her widening butt into the air, her little black tail slowly rocking back and forth. 

It took a couple of minutes for the girls to notice me standing at the door, but when they did it was a mini stampede. They all came rushing to me and gave me a big warm hug. They began doing this after they reached the five foot point. 

"Hello master!" They all yelled out as I was crushed by fluffy sheep women.

"Hey girls," I choked out as I could feel the air leave my body.

"So what is the plan today?" Asked Shaa.

"Air," was the only thing I could blurt out. All the girls rapidly stepped away as I took a deep breath. 

"Sorry master," they all said in unison. 

"It's okay *huff* you just have to remember you're not small anymore." That's a sentence I never thought I would say in my life. After taking in a couple of deep breaths I collected myself and cleared my throat. "Okay girls, today I was planning to teach you girls how to swim."

"Swim?" Asked Laa, tilting her head.

"It's, um… moving in the water." I answered, struggling to not to use the word swim to describe swimming. Their eyes lit up at the prospect of going into the water. Since that day at the jacuzzi I had this idea to teach the girls how to swim. No reason as to why, just felt like a good idea. 


Standing in my red swimming trunks, I looked over the pool and marveled at its size. Ever since I arrived I never got the opportunity to take a swim, so in part, never got a good look at the pool. 

First off it was much deeper then I had originally thought, being over twenty feet deep on one side and three feet on the other. The other thing I noticed was how big it was. It seemed to be the size of a community pool, more suited for huge parties. 

Just then I heard the back door open, promptly making me turn around. Before me were my growing sheep, all in their swimsuits. They were wearing the same kind of swimsuit, a one piece swimsuit with a frilly skirt, just all in different colors. Baa and Faa were in yellow, Laa was in pink, Shaa was in red and Daa was in black. They all looked bigger than they actually are because of all that wool stuffed inside their suits.

They all looked nervous, huddling together. A wave of nostalgia suddenly came over me as I looked over them. I gave them a warm smile and beckoned them to me. Slowly they scuttled to the water's edge. 

"We'll begin slowly and work our way up," I said as I walked down the flight of underwater stairs into the shallow end of the pool. Starting with Shaa and ending with Laa they all got into the water with me.

For the next couple of hours I taught them the basics. I started with them holding on to the edge of the pool and kicking their legs. Watching their big butts bob up and down and thick legs going in and out of the water was getting me all flustered. I then went to teach them how to float. With that one I had to hoist them up by their butt to prevent them from sinking. Let's just say that a small competition broke out among the girls to see who gets touched in the butt by me. There are times I wonder what is going inside these girls' heads, or they're just hory. And finally, I taught them how to doggie paddle. They all learned it quite easily, always testing their bravery by swimming into the deep end.

By lunchtime they were getting pretty good. They can now swim around without much trouble and are starting to experiment with their skills. All in all, today was a good day.

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