Chapter fourteen

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(From the poll number one got the most votes but I also got some suggestions to combine the two, so it did, enjoy!)

The girls continued to scream before the light switch switched on. The girls screamed even louder if that was possible upon seeing clearly what stood before them. 

Looming over the girls was an enormous fluffy black humanoid sheep. She stared down at the three break-ins with cold and intense brown eyes. She was big, and not just in height, standing around 6'8”, but also in width. She stood on thick chunky legs with a pair of chairs crushing behinds and hips that are as wide as a hefter. Her soft potbelly hangs over her waist just mere inches from her crotch. Hanging just above was her hefty udders that can make a cow jealous. All exposed to the elements with the exception of her thick lush coal black wool covering her more sensitive parts.

The screaming prompted other equally large but white wool sheep to stand up from their stalls and look over at the commotion. They looked puzzled at the three new girls that were in Daa's pen. After a prolonged staring contest the three intruders finally calmed down enough to stop screaming.

“Who are you?” Daa finally spoke, her voice sounding like she was indifferent to the situation before her.

“It can talk!” Screech Jessica, pointing to the colossal sheep woman. 

“Are they friends of the master?” Chimed in Baa and Faa simitaniesly. 

“Mmm, are these the three girls the master has been complaining about?” Questioned Shaa as she squinted her eyes aggressively. 

Laa tried to hide behind her stable but now she's so big it doesn't do much to hide her tall plump body.

Before the three could explain themselves, Daa picked up the dark skinned woman and looked into her eyes, “she didn't look threatening, in fact they are more annoying than anything.”

“H-hey there, don't be alarmed, we're all friends here,” Martha stuttered as she tried to gain control of the situation. 

“Friends?” Baa and Faa said in unison as they turned to the leader of this break in group.

“Yes, friends. Um - ” Martha repeated but was struggling to find a way out of this. 

“Why should we believe you? Master doesn't seem to like you three?” Shaa snorted as she walked over to the other two girls, towering over them by a good foot as she placed her fists onto her round hips.

“Wait! We can help you!” Martha blurted out the first thing that came to her head. All of the sheep turned to the black woman, looking at her inquisitively.

“How?” Daa demanded, her intense gaze looking at the dark-skinned woman.

“You like your master, Jerry?”

“Oh, yes we do,” Laa said bashfully, her shyness becoming override by her fondness for their master.

“Well, um, we can help you make yourself more attractive to him,” Martha said trying to sound confident. 

“How?” Daa demanded again as she put down the dark-skinned woman, continuing to stare down at her intensely. All the sheep did so as Martha was quickly put on the spot.

“Confidence!” Blurted out Karen.

“Yea, confidence! A man loves a confident woman. Um, can you give us a moment, I need to talk to my friends,” Martha added. Shaa just raised her eyebrow but Laa, Baa, and Faa looked intrigued, Daa still looked neutral. Martha took the other two girls and huddled around in a corner. 

“What the fuck!” whispered Jessica. 

“Keep your voice down or those freaks will hear you,” Martha grumbled through her teeth. “It seems like our rich boy has some expensive livestock.”

“What are they?” Sneaked Karen. 

“I think I heard about these things in the news some time back. Genetic engineered things or something. But that's not important, what is is that these animals are competition.” answered Martha.

“Competition? These stupid animals? They're just some freaky things probably created in some weirdo's lab for some freaky people,” Jessica huffed.

“Think you clouds for brains, these things probably haven been here longer than us so Jerry has some attachment to these animals. Which means they are competition for his wealth!” Martha said.

“So what should we do?” Karen asked.

“These things probably have fluff for brains, so we convince them to get on Jerry's bad side.”

“Oh, like us!” Jessica exclaimed. 

“Shut up you bimbo! Now the plan is to teach these animals some irredeemable traits, someting that guys hate.”

“Oh I like where this is going,” Karen grinned evilly. 

“But I only know what guy's like,” Jessica whined. 

“Then say the opposite of that, you twit,” Karen said, rolling her eyes. The girls then broke off from there team meeting to face the large sheep girls.

“Now where were we, ah yes, confidence. Guys like dominant women,” Martha started. 

“This will make the master like us more?” Baa and Faa said as their eyes glowed with excitement. 

“Oh yes, men love strong assertive women. The more aggressive the better,” proclaimed Karen. 

“Yea, take what you want, and don't take no for an answer. That just means he wants it more,” Martha jumped in. The sheep girls looked at each other confused but a bit excited. 

“What else?” Asked Daa eagerly. 

“Um, be rude and obnoxious? Ow,” added Jessica before Martha elbows the blonde bimbo in her side and scowls at her.

“But won't the master not like that?” Shaa questioned as she cocked her hips as she raised her eyebrow.

“Of course not, a man likes it rough and abrasive. It's in their nature,” Martha said, trying to cover for Jessica. 

The sheep looked at each other a bit intrigued. They all moved closer to listen to these mysterious women's advice. The girls smiled giving a slight sinister look as the sheep approached them, all eager to learn. 

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