Chapter Nine

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Well, I guess asking for no more surprises was too much to ask. It was the end of another month and I was measuring my flock again. And to confirm my earlier suspicion the girls were growing. 

I stared wide eyed at the clipboard before me, looking over the numbers I had squabbled down. I then looked over to the girls then back to the board, then I did it again. If I wasn't writing it down I wouldn't have believed myself. 

By each girl's name was their height and their weight, and each one grew by a substantial amount from last month's recording. They all now stood around 4 foot 7 and weighed a pound or two below 90, almost a third in growth!

I turned back to the girls and looked over their surprisedly plump bodies. They looked nothing like how we first met. Gone was the bony rib cage, skin and bones legs and sunken stomachs and faces, all now replaced with a thin layer of pudge. 

Speaking of their face they now had a healthy glow to them now. Their oval heads showed little cheek bones as they filled out to a soft, pretty face.

Lower down their collar bones had almost completely disappeared while they now supported B size breasts. No longer looking like prepubescent girls they had grown to resemble young women. 

Further down their old starving flat stomach now had a noticeable belly began to form with a growing softness on their sides that was on the cusp of love handles. 

And at the bottom, their bottom. It had grown full and supple, round and soft. Their thighs now had a womanly shape as a thin layer of fat coated their legs.

Even their wool looked thicker and healthier. Although it's only been two months since I shaved them, they looked like they had grown back most of their wool. Even their woolly hair was much fluffier and poofier, now almost reaching their shoulders. 

I turned back to the clipboard for my thousandth time and began to wonder, how much bigger they're going to get by next month and the next and the next. Will they grow exponentially or will they level off at some point. If they do, do they have a max size? What size will that be, 5 feet, 6 feet, 10 feet, more?! It was making me dizzy just thinking about it. And I didn't even consider their weight!

"Hmm, we are growing nicely," said Daa right beside me. I had a heart attack but didn't flinch, I was starting to get used to her sudden materializing out of thin air.

"Are you part ghost or something?"

She tilted her head. Of course she didn't know what ghosts were.

"Never mind." Then I took notice of what she said. "What do you mean "growing nicely"? Do you know something I don't?"

"No but we are putting meat on our bones," she said unenthusiastically and walked away. 

I raised my eyebrow as I watched her sway her hips more exaggerated than normal. Damn, something I wonder what goes on inside that sheep's head. Despite my distraction I went back to the clipboard. 

"This can be serious if this gets out of control. I know near to nothing about their genetics or if this is even normal." I softly sighed and turned to the girls one last time. They were all playing a game of Monopoly and Daa was winning.

It was also weird how much they became part of my livelihood. Now the girls were doing many of the house chores, each one doing their own thing. 

Baa and Laa seem to enjoy doing my clothes and laundry. Always wearing my oversized clothes and reading my Aunt's old fashion magazines. I think I should get them some clothes of their own, maybe some sewing kits.

Laa likes to say mostly in the kitchen, cooking up anything she found in those old dusty cook books. Speaking about books, whenever she cooked her little nose was buried inside one. She seems to like romance novels. 

Shaa really likes to keep things organized. Always dusting and keeping things clean. Other than that she had improved her drawing skills as I started to put up her abstract art on the large fridge. 

And Daa is as clingy as ever, asking question after question. At some point I introduced her to the internet (with the parental control on) and let her find the answer herself. Of course she would always come back to me and ask me what she learned was true or not. Let's just say I'm not that smart. 


I dipped my toes into the hot water and gently slid into the hot tub. With a relieving "ahh '', I sank into the water until only my head remained. I looked over my back porch to the rolling hills before me. The orange sun shimmered as it sank under the contrasting burning red and icy blue clouds.

The steaming water soothed my aching muscles as I closed my eyes. I took a deep breath as I calmed my mind of all thoughts as I laid back.


A wave of hot water splattered into my face, snapped out of my meditation. Slapping my hand over my face to remove the water, I looked to the other side of the jacuzzi to see what caused my sudden snap back to reality. 

"Daa!" I exclaimed, spitting some water out of my mouth. 

"Hello Master. It's a nice time to have a bath," she said, unfazed by my outburst. 

"What are you doing here?" I immediately regretted my question as I knew it was pointless. 

"Me and my sisters want to take a bath with you."

"Sisters?" Just as I spouted out those words the rest of the girls jumped in. A tidal wave of water smacked me in the face before sweeping me into the center of the tub. I broke the surface, gasping for air. 

"Hello Master!" All the girls said in unison. 

I wiped the water out of my eyes and looked around. Sitting in a row all the girls sat looking at me smiling. Baa and Faa had big goofy grins on their faces, Laa had this shy cute smile, Shaa had a confident smile and Daa didn't smile at all.

I scowled at the girls before huffing in defeat. These girls have no concept of personal space or privacy. At this point why do I even bother. I fell down back to my seat and tried to regain my meditated state, but even that was too much to ask. As soon as I closed my eyes I could feel the water sloshing around the tub and sense my sides being covered in wet wool. Opening one of my eyes I could see that to my right was Daa and Shaa leaned into my arm and to my left Baa, Faa and Laa doing the same. Rolling my eye I lifted my arms out of the water and brought the five in closer, wrapping my arms over their shoulders. They felt surprisedly soft, with the fluffy wool and their softening bodies. They all leaned in closer as we watched the sun set over the horizon. Then I smiled.

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