Chapter Twelve

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It's been three days and the "women" haven't left. They came up with so many excuses that I had no choice but to let them stay just to shut them up. I made them bunk in the same room in my spare room. They complain about being uncomfortable but I didn't care. 

I've thought about calling the police but I also remember that in the conditions of the well I was not allowed to invite people over as it could be seen as aid, so I kept my mouth shut until I found a way to kick them out secretly.

Right now the house was so alive with chatter that I was force to eat my breakfast out on the porch by the pool. This sadly was a bad move.

"Oh a nice dip will be nice this morning," Martha announced as she stepped forward. 

I turned to her to see she was in a two piece bikini, and not very concealing one at that. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I can see what she was doing. She stretched her body, showing off her toned body to anyone who could see, which was me. Her dark skin glistened with oil under the morning sun as she finished her routine by sticking out her butt.

"Are you going to join your old boss for a swim? It's so hot today," she oozed, her voice filled with lust.

"No thanks I have work today," I grunted as I lost all appetite. I stood up and left the porch. Just as I opened the back door I could hear Martha huffing in frustration before going into the pool.

But I wasn't out of the woods as entering the kitchen I saw Jessie attempting to cook breakfast, and I do mean attempting. She had the cooking skills of a roach. I would also say she had the personality of one too but I believe that would be insulting to the cockroaches.

"Hello dear, do you want breakfast, a bath, or me?" She asks with her fake western accent trying to act like an anime love interest. She was practically naked, only wearing an apron. Lucky for me the apron was designed for me and it looks very large on the thin frame.

Upon her asking me that question my hunger returns and I gulp my remaining breakfast in one gulp. "Sorry, I just ate," I answered with my mouth full. I quickly exited the kitchen and headed toward my front door to my salvation. 

But inevitability I had to bump into the third harpy. 

"Hey Chad do you want to hang on the couch and get wasted," Karen burped as a wall of gas hit my face. It was clear she already drank a couple of beers before even getting out of bed. Strangely enough she was the most clothed, wearing her normal top and jeans. 

"Pass, I get work to do." I maneuver myself around my drunk bully and quickly exited the house, leaving three disgruntled women.

"What is so important that he'll leave three perfect girls hanging," grumbled Martha as she entered the living room with a towel around her waist. 

"Yea and he didn't want my wonderful breakfast," whined Jessie, dropping her fake accent and reverting back to her California accent. 

"He's a prude, can't see the gold mine that fell into his lap," Karen rolled her eyes before lifting her beer can to her lips. 

"It's always work with him. He was never like this when he worked under me," Martha hufted. 

"Yea, he never liked the outdoors before?" Questioned Jessie.

"He was always a pushover, always doing what he was told," Karen added. 

"It seems pathetic Jerry has grown up in the four months since being here," Martha pondered. 

"And where does he go every day? From sunrise to sunset he disappears to who knows where to "work"," Jessie complained. 

"He can't go far, he can't leave the premises," Martha said, raising her eyebrow.

"Hey why don't we follow him and find out?" Karen questioned. 

"That's it tomorrow morning we'll spy on him and find out!" Exclaimed Martha, cocking her hips with pride and an evil grin on her face.

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