Chapter Sixteen

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Shaa was the first of the sheep to move as she quickly went to the side of me. Her arms were shaking as she gently placed her hoof on my body. To everyone's relief I twitched as I made a quick yelp of plan.

“Get some hay!” commanded Shaa as she carefully and slowly moved my body. I  hissed in plain as both Baa and Faa brought a huge pile of dried grass. Shaa took it and made it into a pillow, laying my head on it. I was breathing shallowly as I clenched my teeth. 

Laa was still crying as she tried to recall anything from that book with the big red cross she read a few weeks ago. Shaa was barking orders to Baa and Faa to bring anything to help, from a bucket of water to some older clothing that they couldn't wear anymore. The sheep was in a frenzy as they tried to help me, all except Daa.

She continued to stare at me, her expansion neutral. She looked like she was lifeless, no sign of breathing, no indication of thought, she didn't even blink, a mere statue to the world.

Then her ear twitched as she heard the sound of laughter from the girls from last night. In less than a millisecond her head snapped to the window where the girls were watching the whole turmoil scene. She glared at the three with a stare that could freeze the sun. Then, like a robot, she moved. 

She stomped to the barn door and slammed them open, the sound of wood cracking as she did. Her motion was deliberate and on a mission as her body moved like a locomotive. She rounded the corner and made a beeline to the three hecklers, her hooves stomping like lead weights on the ground as she clenched her fists.

Martha was the first to notice the oncoming sheep as her cold eyes froze her already cold heart. 

“Whoa there,” said Martha as she tried to calm the situation as both Jessica and Karen stepped back. Daa didn't stop, in fact she raised her tight clenched fists into the air before swinging at the dark-skinned woman. Martha jumped back just in time to dodge the incoming fist as Daa hit the side of the barn so hard she broke into the wood, leaving a fist size hole in the wall. It was at this point all the girls screamed in terror. The girls ran as Daa pulled her fist out of the wall, her motion stiff and jerky. 

The girls head for a nearby tree. Daa followed them like a ballistic missile, her eyes of a cold blooded killer. They circled the tree, the girls dodge the large black sheep swings and grabs. At one point a thick tree branch was in the way of Daa attempted murder. Without hesitation she grabbed the branch and snapped it off like it was made of cardboard. 

“Hey there big girl this isn't our fault,” Martha said, her voice scared and shaky as she tried to talk her way out of this situation. The other girls were huddling around the dark-skinned woman, unsure of what to do. Then the girls bumped into something big, soft, and fluffy.

“YOU MADE USE HURT OUR MASTER!!!” Roared Shaa. The towering white wool sheep was seething with rage, the direct opposite of Daa's cold and emotionless. Her teeth and fists were clenched as she looked down at the girls with murderous intent. 

The girls screamed again and bolted away from the barn and toward the cabin. It became completely clear that they couldn't negotiate out of this situation. 

They ran past the house and straight to their car, desperately trying to open it.

“Quickly!” Yelled Karen as she turned back at the two oncoming blubbery sheep. Martha stumbled with the key as the sound of stomping hooves quickly approached. 

Then the car beeped open and the three quickly jumped into the vehicle. As soon as the doors slammed shut they immediately locked the doors just in time as the two fat sheep reached them. Martha shakily put the key into the ignition and started the car with a roar. They can hear Shaa trying to rip the door open as Martha slammed her foot on the gas, the tires spinning. But then their hearts sank.

They weren't moving. 

They all immediately turned around as their souls were filled with fear and dread as they lay their eyes on the cold stare of the big black sheep. Daa had grabbed onto the back bumper and lifted the car off its hind wheels, the tires spinning in the air. 

“We're all going to die!” Screeched Jessica as she began to ball her eyes out.

Suddenly there was this banging on the roof. The girls turned to see Faa on the driver's side and hitting her hooves on the roof crying hysterically. 

“I HURT MASTER, I HURT MASTER!” She cried, her eyes red and her wool soaked with tears. Her constant pounding was leaving dents in the metal roof as the car windows began to shatter. On the other side they had Shaa tearing at the door, ripping off the handles and metal off the door, trying to claw her way in.

Unfortunately for the sheep the constant banging and shaking of the car was making Daa's grip lose her hold on the back bumper. After a couple of minutes of banging and shredded metal Daa couldn't hold on anymore and dropped the car. Immediately the tires skidded on the gravel road before shooting like a rocket out of the property. The sheep just looked on as they watched the evil girls drive away.

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