Chapter 13

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Graces P.O.V

I was watching my sister catch up to the captain and Kura. I smile and shake my head. "What's so funny?" Miyuki asks, still watching my sister with admiration and something else.

"Alex had to lead a team of boys, and she always pushed herself to be better than all of them." I say but pause to catch my breath, but before I can continue, he asks, "Why go that far? She is already one of the best players I know."

I smile and look at my baseball-obsessed sister. "I asked the same thing once. She said that she could only get better if she gave everything she had every day with every little thing. It doesn't matter how small and seemingly insignificant the thing was. She gave it her full attention and effort. She practices harder and faster than everyone... even me. She was the only girl on her team at our high school, and they only accepted her when she had surpassed every one of their efforts, progress, and hard work. She never really cared if they accepted. She only wanted to get better at the sport she loves... People like to call Alex a prodigy, but I don't think that's the right word for it because she works harder than anyone else, even if it's only to get a tiny bit better." I pause after saying that to catch my breath. "So now my sister has a hard time holding back and over does her workouts. We hold her back on purpose so she doesn't injure herself. Since I control the possibility of her pitching here, she listens to me. She can't last a day without touching a baseball." I sigh, getting a headache just thinking about it. "So, she is using the sempai's in front as a guideline for how fast she should run for a light workout."

He nods. "Can I ask one more thing?"

I smirk. "You already did. By the way, I still don't approve of you forming a battery with my sister."

He smirks back. "I am not worried about that; I only need to gain her trust.

I smirk. "I get the final say on who catches for Alex. It's a deal we made with her battery partner in America. She gave him her word." He immediately drops the smirk, and I can see the hint of jealousy in his eyes.

"Man, Alex is so amazing. She captures the hearts of catchers when they see her pitch. You only caught for her once, and she already has you wrapped around her finger." I laugh, and he glares at me but then shrugs.

He smirks. "I would argue, but honestly. I don't mind it. I want to form a battery with your sister."

I smirk with anger seeping through my gaze. "After your comments when we first got here, you are not worthy of catching for her. Right now, the only one that has the right to catch for her is her battery partner when our team comes to Japan and me."

He smirks. "Now, back to my questions. How good is her former team, and how good is Alex's former battery partner?" he asks, emphasizing the former.

My anger boils, but I push it down, knowing that with that twisted personality, he is trying to get on my nerves while collecting data. "Without my sister or me, they are the #1 team in California. Thanks to Alex, they are one of the best teams in America. Sadly, we can't officially say we are #1 because we haven't won the #1 team in an official game."

Miyuki's eyes widen. It serves him right for underestimating our team. He smirks, and I glare. "So if we win against your team, can I officially form a battery with your sister?" He asks.

I look at him in disbelief. Then start laughing through breaths slowing my pace to catch my breath. "Sure. Good luck with that."

I immediately shut up when I see Alex glare at me. Dang, I hope she doesn't find out I was bragging again.

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