Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

I wait until I see Miyuki get into position. "Alright the rules are simple you get to pick where you want her to throw." Grace says pausing "Next is I call out what kind of pitch she will throw. Questions?" She asks.

"Do I need to signal where you need to throw?" He asks me.

I smile and Grace smirks as I answer him "No you don't just put your glove on one of the nine boxes of the strike zone."

His eyes widen "Sis has amazing control and uses the depth of the strike out zone."

He regains his composure and nods. I look at Grace and sign 'Should I go at full speed?'

She shakes her head and signs 'Average one first.' I nod getting into my pitching stance and glance at his glove. It was on the right lower corner at the height of a batter's knees. I go through my pitching motions and watch the ball hit the glove. Miyuki's eyes widen and Grace smirks.

"My dear ruthless sister that was so not average that was more like 93 m/h!" She says.

I shrug "You are not the only one that wanted to test him. By the way that you are wrong, that was 94 m/h." Miyuki's eyes were still wide "So what do you think, can I stop holding back?

She smirks "If he survives the initial shock." I laugh when Miyuki shakes his head and his eye sparkle with something that looks like excitement. "What speed was that 150 km/h? Is that the fastest you can throw? Wait of course not it looked like you threw that with very little effort so you must be able to pitch faster! What other pitches are in your repertoire?"

"Whoa slow down Miyuki. I don't know km/h, but it was 94 m/h for that one, and yes that was not my fastest I can throw 97m/h still with precise control. I can also throw 98 m/h every now and then but mainly because I can't control it yet. I was working on trying to master my control of it with my battery partner before coming because Grace refused to catch it until I had full control over it." I answer.

Grace laughs at the level of astonishment "It's 151km/h and 14 pitches but no one can really catch them all consistently without them turning into balls." She adds.

"I also plan to learn more I have to so I can have a chance of becoming a pro baseball player back home."

Miyuki looks surprised "You want to be a pro in the U.S.A?"

"Yes, that is my dream and goal along with my troublemaking best friends, my sister, and several of my teammates," I say warmth seeping into my voice as I think of them.

He nods. Before he can ask anymore Grace says, "Alright 4-seamer full speed!"

I wait for him to put the glove in position. I see it is in the upper left corner. I go through the pitching motions and then release the ball watching it hit the glove. A perfect 97 m/h strike fastball. "Curveball!" Grace instructs. I go through the motions again, and he catches it again, but it curved more than he expected and barely had enough time to react.

"Fork!" Grace calls out without waiting for him to readjust. I shrug and just pitch without him choosing where he wanted it. He managed to catch it just in the Knick of time.

"Screw!" Grace says. This time the ball sunk way lower than he thought, and it missed the glove. He reached out his other hand and didn't let it go past him. I raise an eyebrow pleasantly surprised he didn't let it pass but still failed to catch it. Miyuki was shocked.

Grace smirked "Not bad for catching for her for the first time. Those were really hard." She turns to me "Alright funs over Alex time to cool down. We get to field today." I sulk and pout but nod.

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