Chapter 1

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"He is trying to kill us!" Tylor chase mutters under his breath from where he was holding his push-up position. Daemon Chase his twin grunts in accordance. I let out a strained laugh.

"Chase do you have something to share with the rest of team?" Coach demands.

"No sir. It was nothing sir." they both respond with a shaky breath. I smirk at the two trouble makers for getting caught.

"Is that all you got Hernandez" He asks me.

"No sir, I can still do more sir!" I respond in as clear a voice as I can. My limbs shaking like Jell-O but still holding out better than some of the guys.

"Very well team add another 20 push-ups and thank your vice-captain for playing a prank on me and your co-captains for not stopping him." The team groans and glares at us, while Daemon and I glare at his twin and my battery mate.

After that grueling practice and apologizing to coach a bunch of times we make our way home. Normally we run back home for extra stamina practice since our houses are literally 2 miles away from school but agreed that our bodies were a heavy ache mess to run home. "Daemon from now on your my only best friend cuse I never want to go through that nightmare practice again." I sigh dramatically leaning into Daemon.

"I agree, but sadly I can't ditch him." He responded as we both glare at Tylor.

His eyes widen and pouts "I am really sorry Alex please forgive me."

Truth was I already forgave him because that prank was totally epic, but I wanted to see what I could get from my battery partner and best friend. So, I turn around pretending to ignore him, and send Daemon a smirk. He catches on and nods "I don't think so ty you nearly murdered her along with the rest of the team. Poor Alex can barely walk."

"I am really sorry Alex don't stop being my best friend, I will do anything." He says

"Anything?" I ask. He nods vigorously "Then I want a piggy back ride all the way home." Knowing that we were all barely standing after that practice. We both watch as Ty's face turns pale and laugh at his expression. "You should have seen your face bro." Daemon says through breaths. I wipe the tear from my eyes to see a sulky Tylor in front of us.

"How was I supposed to know it was a joke!" He says.

"It serves you right. Your prank nearly killed our team with the extra practice." I pause and grab him by the shirt "Next time you play your pranks I want you to make sure that they are not on our coach or I will let the team have their revenge on my catcher. Am I clear?" I ask.

"Yes ma'am." He saults. I see Daemon nodding in approval. "Great, now let go home." I smile and continue walking the twins following behind me. Daemon scolding his brother for being dumb enough to pull a prank on a person that controls our practices. The walk was tiring but we make it to my house and I wave bye at them, as they continue walking to their house 2 blocks away.

I walk in and see a bunch of boxes everywhere. I was slightly confused and disoriented "Mom! Dad! Grace! I am home. Where are you?"

"In the Livingroom!" Grace shouts. I hear her arguing as I walk in. "This is not fair. Coach asked me to be the captain was finally going to move me up to the Varsity team with Alex this year."

"Hey, sis what's wrong why are you arguing over that again, I thought coach told you why he left you in the JV team your freshman year?" She pauses her glaring at our parents and looks at me "Yeah, no. I already know it was because he was hoping that I could help the JV team win while you helped the Varsity." She pauses to let out a cough the only way to keep us off the field was when we are sick which is why she wasn't at that nightmare practice. "No, sis mom and dad kept the fact that the reason why they wanted us to take a bunch of courses in Japanese to get ahead at the community college was because Dad got transferred to Tokyo for work. Go ahead and ask when we are leaving."

My eyes widen "Mom, Dad? Tell me she is joking." I say. They both turn away from me and don't say anything. My heart races and I ask the one question I never wanted to ask. "When are we leaving?"

They face me and say, " In one week." I feel my world crashing down on me. I see my dream of becoming the first women on the Professional baseball team Preferably the Dodgers, finally telling that idiot catcher of mine I liked him, and my team winning again next season because I did my job as co-captain right. Then I think of having to say goodbye to my team and my two best friends, and then thought of having to prove myself all over again to a new team in a different country. Oh, my goodness do they even play baseball in Japan. Even more important will they let a girl play on an all-boys team there. I start feeling my breaths get quick and shallow as all this goes through my head.

"Breath sweet, Breath." I hear my dad say.

"What's wrong with Alex Dad?"

" She is having a panic attack." He says. I try to calm my breathing but can't seem too. I have never had a panic attack before. I breath again. "Breath Alex."

"I.... Can't" I say through breaths.

"Okay then why don't you listen while I tell you the best part okay." I nod breathing again. "Well I told my company that I wouldn't move endless they allowed my girls to play baseball there. The company really wants to build a branch in Tokyo, so they agreed to try and find a high school that was willing to allow two girls on their team. They asked some of the best school there and one of them was interested." My breathing calms a little as one of my worries go away. "They asked for a few videos of you and your sister in a game. I sent it to them and they agreed to let you guys play on their team. It's a high school that is famous for baseball over there apparently. They see the videos and offered the both of you a full scholarship to their school."

"Scholarship?" I ask my breathing was getting better knowing I didn't have to give up baseball. It gave me peace of mind that once I come back, I can still have a slight chance at being pro.

He nods "Apparently you have to pay school fees over there. Anyways they did have one condition to letting you both on the team."

"What is it?" I asked

"You would have to stay in their baseball dorms apparently where we are going to live is too far from the school to let you guys go back alone after practice. They assured me that you and you sister would be sharing a room alone with no boys." I hear Grace laugh at his comment with a look of relief and worry on her face.

"I talked it over with your mother and we both agreed about one thing both of you love baseball and it's not fair of us to take that away from you. So, we agreed that if both of you wanted to go, we would let you stay there on the condition that we receive a phone call every day and you visit us as much as you can." He finishes and waits for our answer. I look at Grace nodding we were in agreement that at least this way we still had baseball and each other in the move.

We hug both mom and dad and say, "Thank you."

"So, what is the name of this very lucky high school?" Grace asks.

"I think it was called Seidou high school." My mother responds.

"Seidou." I whisper. I get up " Grace go back to bed we have practice tomorrow and you need fight off that cold, so we can tell coach." I sigh.

"Poor coach. He will be devastated he is losing two of his best players and the only one that can control those twin trouble makers you call best friends" She says.

"Speaking of those two I have to go tell them the sad news. Before they kill me for not telling them first." I say walking to the door. I hear them all laughing as I make my way to the trouble makers house in silence.  

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