Chapter 9

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Both Grace and I ran out of our dorm room in tight sweatpants and muscle shirts. Our hair remained the same, we had our gear bags, and water bottles in hand. When we finally make it to the field. I walk to coach Kotoka and bow "Hello sir."

"Hello Alex-san, Grace san." Coach responds and I see everyone in uniform.

"Sir do we always practice in our game uniforms?" I ask.

"You have practice uniforms, and the Jersey with your number sowed into the back for games. I have your uniforms ready and will ask someone to give them to you after practice." He says and I nod "Also you may wear anything you like for self-practice outside of team practice." He finishes.

"Thank you. May I ask what team we will be practicing with?" I ask.

"You will be practicing with the first string. Today they are practicing batting, pitching, and fielding." He says

"Yes!" I hear Grace say excitedly. I smile "May we practice all of those?"

He nods "The fielding practice is later. Also, I would like to talk to you both after practice."

I nod excited for practice "Yes sir."

Grace starts walking fast saying to me with a smirk "You ready to lose the batting challenge again!"

I glare "Who says I will lose to you."

We make eye contact and run to the batting machines. I look around and my eyes widen they had at least 5 batting machines, and a lot of pitchers pitching to batters.

"Wow" I hear Grace say. I nod.

"HyaHyaHya!" I hear someone laugh loudly. I turn to see Kura and Miyuki. Not far behind was Tetsu, and a few others I didn't recognize. Among them was a shorty with pink hair.

"What is so funny, Kura?" I ask and Grace puts her hands on her hips glaring at everyone approaching except Yuki-sempai.

"Did you guys not have machines in America?" Kura asks.

"No, we did but sadly we only had 3 of them and we shared." Grace says.

"We went to public school. But there were batting cages a few blocks away. Where Grace, the twins, and I hung out at." I say.

"Now shoo, I have a game to win." Grace shoos them with her hand.

"Grace you are so not winning this time!" I glare at her.

"You have 50 losses and 15 wins." She pauses "I have 15 losses and 50 wins."

I glare at her in silence. I glance at Tetsu-sempai and ask "Tetsu- sempai, can you turn on the machine on to the highest settings."

Tetsu nods and goes to turn them on. Kura hesitates but joins Tetsu waiting for Grace's signal. I grab my helmet and bat. I hear the Pinkett and beard guy talking.

"Who does that girl think she is ordering captain around like that." Beardy says.

"She even called him Tetsu. Do you really think they can even hit balls at the highest setting?" The Pinkett says.

Miyuki stays quiet and just watches. I glare at the duo and turn to Grace. She nods with a smirk. A silent agreement to go all out.

"On the count of three!" I say loud enough for them to hear as I get ready.

"Wait!" Grace says and takes away my metal bat before going to our bags and grabbing our wooden ones. I take mine from her with a smirk and nod.

I breath taking a few practice swings laughing it is just like Grace to do with. We are good with wooden bats. I weigh and swing my bat one last time. I smile getting into position and say "One! Two! Three!" The machines turn on and I watch the ball as the rest of the world fades away. I shift my body weight, and swing the ball hitting the bat perfectly. I smile knowing it was a home run. I reposition myself and get ready to swing. I swing in a nice rhythm. Listening to the loud bang if the ball hitting the bat over and over again. I vaguely hear Grace demanding Miyuki to get more baseballs because it would take a while.

Love of the Game (Miyuki Kazuya X OC)Where stories live. Discover now