Chapter 8

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The next day I wake up to the sound of the alarm. I get up and get ready to shower. I turn on the hot water and brushed my teeth meanwhile. Then I go wake Grace up by shaking her leg "Grace get up and get your clothes ready!" She throws a pillow at me.

"Hey!" I exclaim as it hits me in the face.

"Grace get up!"


"Get your clothes ready!"

She covers her face with her blankets and grumbles "Do it for me!"

I sigh and get a pair of shorts, and a random shirt, and her undergarments. I put it on her desk. Then yank her blankets off her "Get up!" then go shower very satisfied with my revenge.

After I get dressed in my high waisted ripped shorts and lose black crop top from Nike. I see that Grace was still asleep and pick up the pillow she threw at me. Then with perfect precision I throw it at her. She wakes up and glares at me "Hurry up and shower you have 45 minutes to get ready." I smirk.

"Darn it Alex!" She goes quickly down the ladder, grabs the clothes, and runs into the bathroom. I laugh at her speed. I go to my desk and sit down to brush my hair using the little mirror I put there. I tie it into a ponytail leaving my bangs lose. I only add Chapstick and put my favorite black doc martins. Grace comes out in the shorts and black muscle shirt and puts on her black adidas. She goes to her desk ties her hair into a lose braid with a black Nike headband. I hear a knock at the door. I open it to see Rei- Chan "Good morning Rei-Chan."

"Good morning Alex-Chan, are both of you ready to go." She asks.

"Yes, we are. Should we take our own pencils, erasers, and calculators?" I ask.

She nods. I put 2 lead pencils, a regular pencil, and erasers into my pocket along with my phone, earphones, key, and wallet. Grace hands me the paperwork outside after locking the door. We follow Rei-Chan. "Rei-Chan are the tests going to last long?" Grace asks.

"No, it should only last around a solid 3 to 4 hours, why?" she asks.

"We wanted to ask to go shopping. We still need a couple of things." I answer.

"Well as long as you are both back by practice time there shouldn't be a problem. I'll ask one of the second years to accompany you both seeing as they already finished there testing." She says

"Thank you." We both say.

We make it to the principle's office. Rei-Chan knocks, and 2 men answer the door. "Good morning Takashima-san! Are these the sisters from California joining the team this year?" The shorter man asks.

Rei-Chan nods "Yes principle-Sama. This is Hernandez Alex, and Grace." She motions to us. We both bow awkwardly and say, "It's a pleasure to meet you principle, and vice principle." And I continue. "Thank you for accepting my sister and I into your school."

"Oh, my what refreshing manners." The taller one responds, "It's no problem Hernandez-san's we welcome you both gladly."

"How can we not accept two talented students into our school." The principle says chuckling.

Rei-Chan says, "I will leave them with you sirs." then turns to tell me "I will have the 2 boys wait for you guys out here when I call them out." I nod. She walks away, and the principle walks inside. I hand the principle our paperwork as he motions us to sit. We sit quietly "Well everything is right. So, let's get to the testing. Please follow us we will take you both to an empty classroom to get started.

Once we get there, I sit down rear window, and Grace sits 2 seats behind me. The first exam is English. It doesn't take me long to finish since English was my first language. Grace goes up not to long after, and they correct our exams while we start on the math exam. I turn it in once done and start on the science exam this one was a little harder because it was in Japanese. By the time I finish the exams they give me another English exam and they give Grace 2 extra exams as well. I was confused on why were given extra exams but just continue doing them.

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