Chapter 6

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After some insistence that Yuki- sempai should help us carry at least one of our bags each. We make it to the dorm that both of us will be sharing.

"As you can see the things you sent ahead of time are all here. All that is left is for both of you to unpack." Rei-Chan says. We nod and glance at the boxes. "Now as for today you will have time to settle. Coach Kotoka will be introducing you after dinner to the team. Until then we ask that you stay in your room. Yuki will bring you snacks in a while, and your dinner." Rei- Chan says, and we notice that Yuki- sempai had silently left already. "As for tomorrow you have exams early to make sure both of you are at the same level the first and second years." Rei-Chan finishes at the same time Yuki comes in with onigiri. Grace pouts. We both tended to like the food from our Mexican side of our father than the Japanese food from our mothers' side.

They say goodbye and turn to leave when Grace says "Wait!" they stop "We have our own bathroom and shower right?"

Rei-Chan laughs "Yes the bathroom is behind that door." We both let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you!" I say. They nod and walk out. I turn towards Grace to see her looking at the onigiri with concern. I lift an eyebrow to question her "You know they are just rice balls, right? We have had them before at grandmas house during the reunion 2 year ago."

Grace glares at me "I know what they are but the last time we tried one it had tuna and mayonnaise. That was just gross for the mayonnaise alone."

I laugh "I didn't like that one either." I grab one of them "Here goes nothing." I put it in my mouth "Its pork!" I mumble.

Grace sighs and starts eating too. Once I finish, I look around the room to see only one bunk bed, a mini fridge, drawers, two desks, and another door that I think should be the closet. Then before Grace can finish stuffing her face "I call dibs on the bottom bunk!"

"Darn it, Alex! That was mean of you. I was to busy eating to call dibs!" She says with disappointment.

I stick my tongue out at her "You snooze you lose."

Grace just pouts. After she finishes, we get started on unpacking making sure to start with the shelves I begged dad to send over here along with our comfy desk chairs. It takes us around an hour to finish both shelf and another two to put all our stuff away. Including the flat screen TV, Xbox, and Wii along with there games that Grace talked our parents into letting us send over here. We were just about to finish putting that last of our thing in its place when there was a knock at the door. I wasn't done putting the bed together, so Grace goes to answer the door "Going" she says. I face palm as she opens the door on a confused Yuki-san. "Coach Kotoka asked me to bring you both your food, and to tell you that it would be time for the meeting and would like me to show you the way to the indoor training area after both of you were done."

"Indoor training area?" I ask excitedly Yuki nods and Grace groans "Great looks like I am going to have to make sure you don't over practice." Grace grumbles.

Yuki looks at Grace confusedly and I smile "Ignore her. Thank you for the food!" I hand the tray to Grace in silence and motion for Yuki-sempai to take a seat anywhere he would like. We eat as quickly as possible. I hand the trays back to Yuki-sempai and he takes them back, while Grace grabs our bags with all our baseball equipment, and 2 rubber bands. She hands me my bag and one of the ties.

I lock the door. Waiting for Yuki-sempai to come back. Once he is back, I motion very eagerly to lead the way while we tie our hairs into ponytails.
"What are the bags for?" Yuki asks.

"It's all our baseball gear." I respond.

"You think you will be needing it at a meeting?" He asks.

Love of the Game (Miyuki Kazuya X OC)Where stories live. Discover now