Chapter 5

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Author's note:

After this chapter they will mainly be speaking Japanese the whole time so to make it less confusing I will only bold what they are saying if it's in English and Italicize if it's in Spanish. Of course, it will all be typed in English.

-Thank you for reading


Once we arrive at the Japanese airport, we take our cell phones off airplane mode, and continue to wait for our luggage. While waiting I check my phone for any missed calls from the representatives of the school we will be attending. There was three messages one from mom saying to make sure to call her once we arrived safely to our dorm, the other from the twins asking for the same thing as my mom, and the last one was from an unknown number, and the text was in Japanese saying 'Hello this is Takashima Rei representative of Seidou high school. Please call me once you have arrived to this number.'

I tell Grace what the text says, and I make the call after we gathered all of our luggage.

"Hello." A female voice answered in Japanese.

"Hello this is Alex Hernandez we have both arrived." I respond in the same language. It's a good thing we both were forced to learn Japanese just as much as we learned Spanish, and English. Our mother wanted to make sure we could talk fluently when we went to visit her family in Japan every year and read fluently to make sure that we would be able to know where we were if we ever got lost. If we didn't, we would have been harder to adjust.

"God you can meet us at the exit, and I will take you to Seidou."

"Okay we are on our way."

"Just look for the sign that says Hernandez-San"

"Alright thank you." After exchanging goodbye, we end the call.

I turn to Grace "We are looking for a sign that says our last name's."

She nods but then sulks "I don't want to be addressed by our last name it will be confusing to know who they want to talk to."

"I agree. So, all we have to do is explain that to them. Now stop complaining and help me carry look for the sign." I tell her as my eyes spot the a tall guy in a school uniform, and a lady with glasses in business/ office style clothes.

I tug Graces shirt and motion her to follow me. when we get to the pair of people waiting for us I say in Japanese "Hello, I am Alex Hernandez and this is my younger sister Grace"

"Hello, I am Takashima Rei-san, but you can call me Rei-Chan" she smiles and bows. I stare awkwardly at her trying to control the urge to shake hands like I normally do. "This is Yuki Tetsuya- san he is the captain of the team."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both I say as I bow. Grace following my lead does the same thing.

"I am glad to have you on the team Hern-" Yuki sempai tries to say our last name but is struggling so I say "Just Alex, and Grace is fine. Being called Hernandez is to confusing when we both have the same last name." I say with a smile before asking "And you are glad we are in the team?"

"Yes, Alex- chan. See the coach and Rei- san has told me a lot about you both, and just recently I was showed a video of both of you playing together and separately." He responds.

"Yuki-san is one of the three people we have told. One is a little complicated to say but the other was the fist string catcher Miyuki Kazuya." my fingers twitch eagerly at the name of the talented catcher in the video. "But he refused to watch the videos." She adds bursting my bubble of anticipation of having the catcher here catch for me.

I sigh in disappointment as Grace stiffens at my sigh and pats my back reassuringly. I see anger in her eyes. Guess she is stuck being my catcher here after all.

"I am sure that once Miyuki and everyone else sees the both of you play, they will change their minds. Especially you Alex- chan, your pitching is so good I would like to try my luck at batting against you." Yuki says see my disappointment.

I immediately cheer up at the thought of pitching and smirk as Grace just laughs at my quick change in emotions as soon as someone mentions pitching. "I would gladly accept your challenge captain." I say eagerly.

"Oh, you just had to challenge her pitching skills." Grace says teasingly "This is going to be fun."

We all see Yuki's fighting spirt pass through his eye.

"Well let's get back to Seidou I will give you both the schedule once we get there." Rei-chan says. We all nod.

Yuki asks do you need help with your bags?"

"No thank you we have had to carry way worse in practice." Grace responds for us. As I remember the practice, we had to carry each other while sprinting. I shiver at the thought of having to carry weights on our body's ankles and wrists. Then I start thinking of the team we left back home, and a wave of sadness hits. It's only been a day and I already miss them.

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