Chapter 4

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The next 2 weeks were hectic between practicing, advising the pitcher who will take over my spot as starting pitcher, hanging out with the team, and hanging out with my two-trouble making best friends it hardly left Grace and I any time to pack. We finished packing everything late last night. Grace and I were leaving today and getting picked up by the representative/scout from Seidou along with the captain when we got there.

Our parents didn't have to be there until next week, and with a little convincing from Grace. They agreed to ship our game counsels, games, and Flat screen TV along with out other stuff to the school ahead of time.

"Don't forget to call us every day and come visit us at the house we are renting in Japan whenever you both have days off." My mother says emotionally.

"You have the debit card and emergency credit car right Alex." I nod for the 100th time when dad pauses "Okay remember that we will make sure to put money every month make sure you manage your spending wisely." He finishes.

"Good." Mother says, "Remember we love you!"

We hug them goodbye as our father say's "I am so proud of both of my girls!" We let go of them and make our ways to the security line.

Before we get in line for the security check, I hear very familiar voices shouting "Wait!"

We turn around to see my two-trouble making best friends leading the team to us along with the coach trailing behind them.

"What are you guys doing here? How did you get here?" I ask as the twins rush to hug Grace, and then me.

"Coach forgot to give you his information and got a letter with approval from the school bored for the trip" Daemon says while the both were still hugging me.

The coach come up to us "All that's left is for you to get approval from the Japanese school, and coach." He was about to hand the envelope to me but sees that the twins wouldn't let go despite my carry-on bag being in the way, and hands it to Grace.

"Don't worry coach I will make sure to convince them." Grace says as she puts the letter away in her carry-on bag.

I laugh can convince anyone. The team clears their throats to get our attention. Thomas and Alan step up each with something in their hands.

"We wanted you each to have your jerseys to take with you to remind you that no matter what you will always be a part of our team." Thomas says.

"We also made each of you a video you could watch when you guys get to your dorm, and we also got you guys a framed picture of the team." Alan adds. They hand us our Jerseys, flash drives, and pictures. I hold back tears as I see A. Hernandez, and my lucky number 25. I put the photo and flash drive away in the bag and put on my jersey along with Grace. I see G. Hernandez 21 on it. She swore that was her lucky number ever since we were children. I see Grace was wiping her tears and looks away.

"Thank you all." I say with a sad smile. We hug each of them and say goodbye. We shake the coach's hand "Go show them what your made of."

"We will!" we respond at the same time. Grace turns toward the line. I make eye contact with her and she nods, and continues to the line giving me some time, and space to say goodbye to the twins. "Everyone back on the bus," Coach says herding the rest of the team on the bus.

Daemon hugs me first "I don't know how I am going to lead the team without you as the co-captain."

"You will be fine and if you ever need someone to vent to, I am only a phone call away." I say and let go of him.

I turn to Tylor who has been very quietly crying. He hugs me and berries his head in my neck. "I don't know what I am going to do without you as my pitcher. What if I can't catch your pitches when we become a battery again in college because you got even stronger than you are now." He whispers.

"You will get stronger from here on out. Also don't worry you will have Matthew be your pitcher while I am not there." I respond with a sad smile.

"Its not the same because I..." he gets cut off by Grace "Alex we need to go we only have 48 minutes until the plane leaves!" I let go of him and grab both of their hands before I go. "You will both be fine. This is not goodbye this is more like a see you later." I tell them. I let go and run to catch up with Grace.

We make it on the plane with five minutes to spare. Once in our seats I realize something. "You forgot to tell Tylor you like him, didn't you?" Grace asks.

I widen my eyes holding back tears. Seeing my reaction she leans over and hugs me as we set off on our new journey to play baseball in Japan.

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