Chapter 2

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I get to the Chase house and sigh before knocking on the door a couple of times. Mrs. Chase opens the door "Hi Mrs. Chase I came to see the twins."

"Alex how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Lucy, and yes dear they are busy pigging out in the kitchen." She says.

I make my way to the kitchen and try to think how I was going to break the news to my two best friends. I sigh and walk through the threshold of the roomy kitchen. I see the twins both literally biting into 2 sandwiches each. One in each hand. I laugh at the sight and they turn around. Which makes it even better because their cheeks were full of food making them look like squirrels. I end up falling to the floor clutching my stomach. They swallow their food as I wipe the tears from my eyes and stop laughing. "Wow that was just priceless." I let out a little laugh and then think after this I won't get to see my best friends anymore.

"HA. HA. HA." Daemon says.

"We were starving, and we will never speak of this again" Tylor finishes as they both put down the sandwiches to help me up from the floor.

"Totally," I say with a sad smile as they both pull me up and I take the chance to wrap my arms around both of them to hug them.

"Alex are you okay" Daemon says.

I squeeze my eyes shut to stop tears from coming out I take a breath to steady my voice "I am moving to Tokyo Japan in one week."

I feel them get tense, I let go of them to give them time to process what I had just said. Their eyes go wide then they start to laugh.

"Good one Alex for a second I thought you were serious." Tylor says.

"Yeah but my co-captain would never quit the team to travel." Daemon continues.

I give them a sad smile and let a tear slip before wiping away at it furiously "I wish I was joking but I am not." I pause and let the words sink in "My parents just told Grace and me today. Turns out that those Japanese classes they were making us take were to make sure we could go to school over there."

Their eyes widen and they both grab my shoulders and shake me "Tell us you are joking please." Tylor starts "We are supposed to win the state finals this year with the golden battery." Daemon continues "How are we. No how am I going to do that without my pitcher" Tylor finishes.

"I really want to say it is a joke because I want nothing more than to win states with both of you, but its not." I let the tears fall.

Daemon looks like he might cry but hold it together "But what about your dreams."

"Yeah we were supposed to go to college and get on the Dodgers together, and you would be the first women to become a professional baseball player." Tylor says.

I give them a smile "Actually I will not be giving up baseball my father got a baseball boarding high school to give Grace and me a full scholarship by sending them videos of our games. So you know I will not be giving up on my dream with you two troublemakers. I am still planning to come back to play some college baseball with both of you. I will also not give up on my Dodger dream."

Their eyes widen and they both hug me. Daemon lets go first and says, "Wait what is the name of the school you're going too in Japan because you would have to be in a good high school to get scouts from the colleges here to go to Japan."

Tylor lets go and nods in agreement with his twin.

"See something I don't remember the full name." I respond after a while. "Oh, I know we can go ask Grace she is probably already looking up the school." They nod and follow me there.

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