Chapter 7

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We make our way to Yuki-Sempai "That was amazing Yuki-sempai!" I say excitedly.

"I have never seen anyone even hit my sister's curveball on the first try!" Grace praises with envy.

"Thank you for the challenge." He says bowing.

I shake my head with a smile "No problem, I had fun." I hesitate to continue but my competitive spirt won "Can we have a batting challenge tomorrow after we take the exams, and you are out of class sempai?" I ask.

Before he can answer a blondish brownish haired guy with a goatee ask "Tetsu you went easy on her right?"

Grace clenches her fist in anger. I stay calm I had to deal with things like this before when I first joined the baseball team with the twins Freshman year. Yuki- sempai shakes his head but before he can respond I feel an arm on my shoulder as the voice of the catcher says "No he didn't. He gave it his all. And no normal person would even be able to touch that curveball of hers on the first try. Her fastball was also 157 km/hr." I shake his are off with a glare as all of them express their disbelief. Grace makes a move to step in between us asks me "Can I just kill this narcissistic catcher."

"No" I respond.

"Fine" she says then glares at the catcher and tells him through gritted teeth "Stay away from my sister. You do not get to act close with us after insulting us."

The catcher puts his hands up in surrender and laughs "Okay." He smirks and adds "You are both very interesting." We make eye contact and he smirks "Do you need your little sister to fight all your battles."

I feel my blood boiling. I walk up to him with a calm smile and keep eye contact. Graces eyes widen and she backs off "No she does not need to fight my battles. She is just not good at holding her temper in, but you see you ass of a catcher I have years of practice at controlling my anger. I have a lot of patience because this is not the first time being on a team that can't stand it when a girl can play "A big boys sport." Trust me worse than this has been done and said to me. So yes, I can fight my own battles I just choose to do all my fighting through baseball, because trust me when everything is said and done it won't be me feeling guilty for being an asshole." I make eye contact with everyone of them "So taunt me, bad mouth me all you want, but I will tell you this now. I love baseball just as much as each and everyone of you so like it or not. I am here to stay and if you have a problem with that fine let's settle it..." I look back to the catcher "Through baseball."

I finish and turn back to Grace and she looks stunned and determined. I motion for her to follow me and she nods. I walk to the coach and bow "I am truly sorry sir for my outburst, but if possible, could I use the indoor training area."

He nods and says, "There is no need for you to apologize."

I nod and head to our bags but before we walk away, I turn to Yuki- sempai "I am sorry captain as well for my outburst."

He shakes his head "No need", he pauses and motions to the team "I should be the one apologizing for the team's behavior."

I shake my head and smile "Its okay, I have been through this before Yuki-sempai."

He smiles and says, "One captain to another just call me Tetsuya-sempai or just Tetsu."

I laugh "Thank you, Yu-Tetsu-sempai. Would you like to join us? We both need to work off the pent-up energy."

Motioning to Grace who quietly nods. Tetsu nods and we start walking to the training area.

Grace speaks up when we get their "You can only throw 10 pitches for each of the pitches minus the ones I can't catch."

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