Chapter 3

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The next day Grace and I run to school for morning practice early on Sunday to tell the coach the bad news.

When we get their it occurs to me "Hey Grace?"

"Huh?" She responds.

"You said they start school in September, right?" I ask.

"Well why are we leaving in two weeks instead of in June when school is over?" Our school year ends in mid-June, and it was currently May 20, and in 1 weeks it would be May 25. School wouldn't even have ended for us yet.

"Oh, I asked dad about that and he told me that summer training for them starts on June. So the coach and scout asked us to go early so we have enough time to unpack in our room, and so we can meet the team before the summer training camp."

"What about our finals?"

"Dad asked our principle about that too and he told dad that the teacher said we did well in the midterm and through out the school year they agreed that the final would not effect our grades for the end of the year. Also, when we get them instead of finishing junior year here, we will be finishing it in the fall trimester" She responds. Then looks at my confused face and continues "I know what you're thinking. No this won't affect our college applications. It will still show that your junior year was done here with A's and senior grade are going to be the only one that is in Japan. We were only asked to still enter as 2nd years again after finishing our junior year here is so that we have time to get used to the school in Japan and so we know what is going on before the next year starts. It's so we don't go into 3rd years blind and lost.

"That's understandable. Well at least we won't have to do finals." I say while knocking on the coach's door.

"Come in." We hear the coach reply. We open the door, and walked in. The coach looks up from the papers on his desk. He sighs "I was hoping the email I got from the principle this morning wasn't true."

"We wish it wasn't true either" I say as we both give coach sad smiles.

He sighs "I hope you both won't be giving up baseball, even if you are not going to be on this team."

Grace smiles, while I say "No sir, we are not giving up baseball. Our father got a high school in Japan to take interest in letting 2 girls on their team." I pause seeing coach's eyes light up "They promised our father a full scholarship for both of us to their baseball boarding school."

"Baseball boarding high school. Interesting." He comments.

"Interesting indeed coach, let's say you give us your number and email to give to our Japanese coach. While you convince the school board that it would be very beneficial to send the team to Japan for baseball cultural immersion this summer to gain more experience for the state finals." Grace says eyes more sparkling with mischief.

The coach smile and says, "Theoretically speaking if I could get the board on bored with this 'cultural immersion' You both would need to convince your Japanese coach and school."

"Leave it to me coach!" Grace says enthusiastically. I smile and shake my head at their 'Theoretical plan'.

"For now, coach we would like to keep practicing with the team until the last second." I pause before continuing with a sad smile "And I would also like to be the one to tell the team why one of their captains will be resigning, and why we will be quitting the team."

The coach nod silently.


"Listen up all of you. One of your co-captains has something very important to tell you!" Coach yells at the team after the grueling Sunday morning practice.

They mumble about what they think might be their news. I make my way to the coach, and motion Grace to follow me. Once we were by the coach, I clear my throat, and they stop talking to hear what I have to say "In one-week Grace and I will be quitting the team, and I will be resigning as your co-captain. Daemon will be your only captain."

Their face's pale and were full of shock. The only ones not shocked were the twins, but they had very sad expressions as I made eye contact with them. Why are you leaving the team?" Thomas my short stop asks with confusion.

"Did any of us do something to upset you?" Alan my 2nd baseman asks right after.

I smile sadly at them the last thing I wanted was to upset the team that accepted both me and my sister "No. No one has upset either of us. Our father got transferred to the new sports medicine hospital his company will be opening in Japan. We will be going with them. I pause and let the words sink in I still expect this team, my team, will win state finals next season, because you better believe we both will be fighting to play and win Japanese baseball!" I pause seeing a mixture of shock, challenge, and determination "Both Grace ant I have been accepted by a baseball boarding high school in Japan with full scholarships. We will be fighting to win a place on that team and want to hear that you are all fighting to reach our goal. We may not be able to fight along side you next season, but we will be with you every step of the way in spirit. We also asked our father to update our plans to include national talk and texting. So, all of you can keep us updated on your progress or ask us any questions. When you need advice on baseball." I finish, and all the faces show a mixture of sadness and determination. Then I see Matthew- the only current sophomore on the team I started to groom to take my place after I graduated next year- look unsure, relived, and determined.

Taylor is first to speak "We will win this season for our captain and Grace." The team nods in agreement.

"Hawks on three!" Daemon yells and everyone forms a circle with their hands in the middle I smiled sadly at the team. "What are you both doing get in here you guys go!" The team gives grunts of agreement. I smile, while Grace turns around and wipes a tear before we make our way to our team. We put our hand in the middle with pride and determination in our hearts.

"You do the honors Alex." Daemon says.

I shake my head and look at Grace to smile "I think Grace should do it."

"Me?" She asks with shock, and surprise. I nod.

"ONE, TWO, THREE!" She yells clearly.

"HAWKS!" we all yell together while lifting our arms in the air our hands in fist up to the sky.

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