The bar

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It's been a long day. After sparring with Satoru I'm exhausted, but Shoko has somehow convinced me to go to the meet up this evening. She'd seen how down I was and I think she wanted to cheer me up, but I'm not really in the mood for social activities at this particular time.

We're currently walking down to the subway to get the train to my apartment from Jujutsu Tech. I think she thinks that if we don't get ready together I won't show up, and she's probably right. We finally reach my flat and we both rummage through my closet trying to find something to wear.

"Ugh it's all just so..."

"Grandma like?" Shoko finishes, holding up an oversized knitted sweater. I snatch it away from her and hold it close to my chest.

"Hey, It's comfy." I say as I pull the jumper over my head to her disapproval.

"We need to find you something that screams... single."

"No, we really don't..." I say hesitantly, but she continues to throw random items out of the wardrobe.

We eventually settle for a pair of black jeans and a navy blue spaghetti strap top with lace detail on the neckline. I'm just thankful Shoko didn't find the short dresses hidden behind my underwear that I'd stored away after my clubbing days in Rome.

"You still look so... conservative." She says with a finger on her lip inquisitively.

"Yes, my hidden cursed technique is actually the ability to make any outfit look frumpy." I respond and she laughs. "Although I don't know why you would even say that considering my ass is practically on show through these jeans." I respond, hoping she doesn't go back in for another rummage in the closet.

She eventually agrees to let me wear the outfit I've got on, as long as I don't wear a jacket and I happily agree to these terms and conditions. Shoko then proceeds to get dressed and she wears a similar outfit to mine but her top is red and has a deep V down the middle.

We have around an hour to kill and decide to crack open the whiskey I have in my cabinet. Shoko lights up a cigarette and we slide black the large glass doors of my apartment to the balcony. We look out over the city lights and skyline as the sun sets, the cool breeze combined with the warm alcohol helping to soothe my soul.

I turn to Shoko to observe her as she takes a drag of her cigarette. The wind moves her hair gently away from her face and I see her shiver.

"So who exactly is going to be here?" I ask her, wanting to prepare myself.

"If I tell you you promise not to ditch?"

"Yeah. I'm in too deep now."

"Gojo, Nanami, Yaga maybe, and a load of mutual friends."

"Not too bad then." I reply taking a nervous sip of my whiskey before turning back towards the skyline. I feel Shoko's gaze on me, but the sun has set even further by now so I pray that she can't see my nervous expression in the lingering darkness."Don't get too drunk tonight." I warn her.

"Huh? says you." She scoffs before throwing the rest of her drink back as a statement and I roll my eyes at her.

"The last thing I'll be doing tonight is getting drunk." I reply.

We finish our conversation before heading out the door and into the subway. We reach our destination in less than 30 minutes, and people have already arrived by the time we get there. I scan the bar. I see Nanami, who I haven't yet met but Shoko points him out to me, and I also see Yaga talking with some other teachers.

I sit myself down onto one of the bar stools and order a gin and tonic with the tonic on the side. Shoko does the same and we both cheers to the evening. I take the chance to look around the bar, it's old fashioned with dark oak tables and ornate wallpaper. The lights are warm and dim, which makes my eyes comfortable.

𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 | Fem reader x Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now